Chapter 49: A New Dimension

The dust was just beginning to settle, and the echo of the shape-shifter's final scream still reverberated through the chamber. We lay on the cold stone floor, breathing heavily, each of us nursing bruises and cuts from the battle. Relief washed over me—we had stopped the ritual, saved Mara, and defeated the shape-shifter.

Or so I thought.

As I pushed myself to my feet, my eyes caught a flicker of movement in the far corner of the chamber. There, barely visible in the dim light, the shape-shifter reformed, its body a writhing mass of shadows and smoke. In its hand, it clutched the most powerful artifact, its energy pulsing with a dark, malevolent light.

"No!" I shouted, scrambling to my feet. But it was too late.

With a final, defiant glare, the shape-shifter raised the artifact high. The chamber trembled violently as a crackling energy built around it, and the very air seemed to tear apart. A blinding light filled the room, forcing us to shield our eyes.

When the light faded, a swirl
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