Chapter 50: The Parallel World

The ground beneath us fractured, the very fabric of reality tearing apart as we were pulled into the swirling vortex of energy. The transition felt like being stretched and compressed simultaneously, a disorienting whirlwind of light and sound that left us gasping for breath.

When the chaos subsided, I found myself lying on the ground, my body aching from the ordeal. The air was different here—heavier, charged with an unsettling energy. As I pushed myself up, I took in our new surroundings.

We were in a dense, otherworldly jungle, the trees towering above us with leaves that shimmered in iridescent hues. The sky was a deep, unsettling red, streaked with dark clouds that churned and shifted constantly. The air was thick with the scent of unfamiliar flora, mingled with an underlying tang of something metallic.

"Everyone okay?" I called out, my voice hoarse from the strain.

Lena, Drake, Harlan, and Mara emerged from the underbrush, each looking as disoriented as I felt. "We’re all here,"
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