Chapter 51: The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

The air had grown cooler, and the unsettling energy of the parallel world seemed to retreat as we gathered ourselves. The immediate threat of the shape-shifter’s ritual was gone, but the portal back to our world remained a gaping wound in the fabric of reality, pulsating with unstable energy.

As we moved away from the crumbling structure, the alien landscape seemed to shift and change, adapting to our presence. The trees rustled with an eerie awareness, their leaves shimmering in hues that defied description. We had stopped the ritual, but the sense of danger was far from over.

"We need to find shelter and regroup," I said, glancing around at my team. "We can’t afford to be caught off guard again."

Drake nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon. "There’s a cave system not far from here. It might offer some protection while we plan our next move."

We set off toward the caves, moving cautiously through the dense jungle. Every sound seemed amplified, the rustle of leaves and distant animal
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