Chapter Four

Derek arrived at his house, a fancy mansion decorated with expensive materials. He walked inside, his eyes moving at all corners as though searching for something.

“Where were you at?” Magret asked from behind.

Derek was shocked, he turned.“Mo…mother? You're still awake?” He asked with a shaky voice.

“Yes I am” she said, waking him with a suspicious look.

“I was just out with the boys” he lied, trying to avoid eye contact.

“What did you do this time around Derek?” Magret covered her mouth in shock, after seeing the little blood stains on his suit.

Derek noticed she had seen the stains in his cloth, so he then tried to cover it.

“What have you done Derek!” She asked again.

“It's none of your business!” Derek yelled back at her, as he rushed to his room.

‘My dear son. You're really going to stray, I hope you'll realize what you're doing is wrong someday. And I hope by then it isn't too late’ she heaved a sigh as droplets of tears ran down her cheek.

Derek used to be a good and lovable man, but after his father was brutally killed by an enemy, Derek took over. He became the heir of their family's business and also his father's illegal business, being a powerful drug lord and Mafia boss, he swore not to be a weakling like his father, to make people afraid of him that no one would dare to be his enemy.

No one that had crossed his path that came out alive, he's a deadly and vicious man, who does what he says and never forgives an offender.

Derek entered his room and shut the door behind. “Why do you always have to spoil my mood, mother. Why!” He yelled, punching the wall. Abruptly his phone rang. He ignored the call but it kept on calling.

He grunted. “What's the matter Tiga, what'd you want!” He picked the call.

“I'm sorry for interrupting your night Don, but the man we thought we've dealt with is still alive” the voice announced, almost panicking.

“What? What'd you mean, I stabbed him in the stomach, how can he still be alive” Derek started sweating.

“Some passerby saw him and rushed him to the hospital, and according to my spies he's still alive, and undergoing immediate treatment”

“No no no” Derek moved around the room, it was a big problem, if Davin wakes up anytime soon, he'll be exposed. “Then what are you waiting for? Do something, go with the boys and finish the job” Derek ordered.

“It's too risky for now Don, the police are everywhere” Tiga said.

“Then make sure the job is done as early as possible tomorrow morning”

“Alright boss” he hung up.

‘Davin can't be alive, I can't be exposed to the Windsors now, not until I achieve my goals’ he folded his palm into a fist, as he grinned devilishly.


It was morning. Back at the hospital, the nurses and doctors were trying to save a life. Davin was fighting for his life, blood pumping from his stomach, whether he'll die or survive it remained uncertain.

Meanwhile, more than thirty sleek, black armored limousines were parked in a neat row outside. The sound of an approaching helicopter filled the air, and the limousines' doors swung open in unison. Out stepped a group of men, all dressed in impeccable black suits and wearing dark sunglasses. They stood in formation, waiting for the helicopter's occupant to disembark. The rotor blades slowed and the helicopter door opened, revealing a silhouette against the bright sunlight. As the figure stepped out, the assembled men bowed in unison.

His feet touching down on the tarmac with a light thud. He was dressed in a white tailored suit, his gray hair neatly combed back, and his posture exuded confidence and authority. He was probably in his fifties.

He then walked towards the hospital entrance immediately seven bodyguards escorted him inside of the building, all the staff and security in the hospital were mesmerized, they imagined what kind of wealth this man could hold to control so many men.

The man checked his phone, a tracker was being displayed, he followed the indicator and it brought him to the room Davin was in. The man opened the door even though it was prohibited to enter, but no one dared to stop this great force.

“Master who ever did this to you will pay with his own blood”. The man said as he caressed the hair of Davin. The doctor and nurses in charge were perplexed, if this wealthy looking billionaire could call their patient Master, then how much more of him.

“Thank you Doctor, but we'll take it from here” he said with a throaty voice.

“But sir, you can't take him just yet, he needs to be conscious first or…” the doctor tried explaining.

“Shhh” the man interrupted with a gesture. “You think you're worthy to even touch him, if only you know who is in your hospital” he said again. He then gestured to one of his men as they dropped a briefcase on a table.

“Here's your payment. And if anyone asks you what happened, tell them he died in the process of treatment. Okay?” He instructed.

The doctor was speechless; he only nodded.

“Good” the man arranged his suit and his men carried Davin like a bride and left.

Immediately they exited the door, the doctor opened the briefcase, his fingers trembling slightly as he turned the lock. He wasn't sure what to expect, but when he saw what was inside, he gasped in shock. Inside the briefcase was a mountain of cash - stacks upon stacks of crisp, new bills. The doctor's eyes widened as he realized just how much money was there. He kept imagining why they were trying to protect and hide this person so much, who was he?.

The limousines and the helicopter left with Davin, the convo made many onlookers fill the area. After some few minutes Tiga and his men arrived, they all wore masks.

They entered the hospital and asked a nurse about the patient that was admitted yesterday night. The nurse tried to act brave by not answering but immediately Tiga pointed a gun at her head, she immediately told him the exact room.

Without wasting time they entered the room and met the doctor counting his miracle money.

“Hey” Tiga called, pointing his gun at the doctor. Immediately the doctor was electrified with fear and panic, he hurriedly covered the briefcase, thinking they came for the money.

“Where's the patient!?” Tiga asked.

The doctor's eyes widened, his throat hung in the air, unable to speak.

“Speak up before I pull the trigger!” Tiga threatened.

“I…he…he died” the doctor stammered.

“What?” Tiga was confused. Just last night he confirmed Davin was improving, so how will he die all of a sudden.

After much integration the doctor cooked a lie, saying the corpse was taken by the police for investigation. Tiga had no choice but to believe, but although he had his doubts, he was suspicious of the doctor selling his parts due to the amount of cash he saw him counting earlier. But anyways that's not the problem, as long as Davin is dead it's a successful mission.

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