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Jerry is your average high schooler but he finds himself caught between clashing tides, a twist of fate one can say. Can he handle all the physical strain caused and also the mental torment he's put through. He is trying to push part all his hardships but he cannot help but be at the root of it all. Although it is not only Jerry but those who surround him, they all create a tree of vines, those vines are their fates and all of them eventually cross. Past, Present and Future become a river that flows along the same stream.
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The Connection Chapter 21 – Answers
The Next Day...Janette woke up early and found Jerry and Jacques in the living room. Jacques asked Janette if she slept alright and she said yea, but Janette noticed its 5 in the morning and she usually doesn’t wake up that early on weekends and she gets worried. Jerry told Janette that she should take it easy until her scars heal, but Janette asked Jerry what she’ll do about all her scars cause everyone at school will notice. Jerry told Janette that she shouldn’t go to school for the next 2 weeks. Jacques told Jerry that he's demanding a bit too much and Janette will continue going to school normally. Jerry told Jacques that he should think of an idea for Janette.Janette asked, “So, Jerry what’s the plan for the day?”Jerry told Janette that they’ll be doing nothing for the day and he’ll be staying at Janette’s house for a few days until he’s sure that she’s safe. Jacques said he can also stay and tell his parents that he’s just out on a school camp. Janette thanked them for their
Last Updated : 2023-06-30
The Connection Chapter 20 – Stagnant
Jerry tells Jacques that he shouldn’t about anything but Jacques grabs Jerry by the neck demanding answers. Janette screams, telling Jacques to stop choking Jerry. Jacques leaves Jerry’s neck alone and Jerry begins smiling while telling Jacques to start thinking before he acts. Luna told everyone to calm down and soon after Jerry asked to talk to Luna and Janette in private. After they went somewhere private Jerry asked, “Firstly, I’d like to know what the hell Jacques is doing here?” Janette explains to Jerry that Jacques came over to ask about school related things. Luna asked Jerry if they should tell Jacques what’s really going on and Jerry suggested that Jacques should, but Janette told Jerry and Luna that she’ll talk to him. Janette went to the living room to speak with Jacques. Jacques asked Janette what’s going on and Janette said, “Well, Jacques it’s a long story, but whatever I’m about to tell you, you have to promise not to overreact.” Jacques promised Janette that he wo
Last Updated : 2023-02-07
The Connection Chapter 19 – Unusual
Jerry starts receiving a call on his phone. He answers it and Luna was the one calling him.Jerry asked Luna why she left so early and she said, “A man named Eli came inside and said he’ll report this incident to the police and I should take Janette home.”Jerry said, “Luna, lock all the doors now and send me the address to Janette’s house.”Luna sent Jerry the address and Jerry started making his way to Janette’s house, but it’ll take him 20 minutes to get there on foot so he started running because he had a bad feeling that Luna and Janette might have company.“Dammit, I should’ve told Luna not to open for anyone until I get there,” Jerry thought to himself.Meanwhile at Janette’s house after Luna got off the phone with Jerry.“Wow, he sure seemed worried, but let me not question him. Hey Janette, can you help me lock all the doors in the house?” Luna said.Janette and Luna began locking all the doors in the house and after they were done, Janette and Luna sat down and started talki
Last Updated : 2023-02-06
The Connection Chapter 18 – Omen
“Oh, hey Jerry... long-time no see” were the words that Melionna’s brother, Eli greeted Jerry with. Jerry shocked to see Eli, asks him what he’s doing here. Eli told Jerry he’s just out on a walk. Jerry started walking past Eli, but he was stopped by Eli after he heard him say the name “Damien”. Jerry shocked to hear Eli say that name, he angerly asked Eli how he knows that name.Eli said, “Woah, it seems as if I triggered a nerve.”Eli started telling Jerry about how, when he was in high school, there was a calm kid who seemed unphased by much. He went by the name Damien and Eli made it his life’s mission to find out what made Damien mad, but he was always led to a dead end and high school ended and Damien disappeared without ever showing Eli his true side. Eli said Jerry reminds him a lot about Damien.Jerry said, “Well, you have the wrong guy because last time I checked you’re 20 years old and I’m 17 so unfortunately you have the wrong guy.”Eli replied, “Hmm... I guess you’re rig
Last Updated : 2023-02-05
The Connection Chapter 17 – Scar
“Why are you 2 so calm when saying that!?”, Luna anxiously asked.Janette said, “Haha! What’s wrong Luna do you think I’m calm. My parents are dead and I had to watch them be killed. How am I supposed to feel!?”Jerry asked Janette if she’ll need someone to stay with her at home. Janette was silent. Luna told Jerry that either her or Jerry will have to stay with Janette at her home for the night. Jerry asked Luna if she could get clothes to help hide Janette’s wounds. Luna said she could, so she left the café and went home to fetch clothes, but before she left she told Jerry that she’ll be back after 30 minutes. After Luna left, Jerry asked Janette to decide what action should be taken about this whole situation. Janette was confused and asked Jerry to explain his question.Jerry said, “Well Janette, you’ve been attacked and your parents have been murdered. So, what will you do about it?”Janette didn’t know what to say because she was frightened by the change in attitude from Jerry.
Last Updated : 2023-02-05
The Connection Chapter 16 – Coin
Marleen furiously asked herself, “Dammit! Shana why the heck do you choose not to listen to me?”Marleen suddenly heard a phone ring and she realised it was her phone ringing. She was receiving a call from Jacques, the king of Hastamia High School, which is the same high school that Marleen attends. Marleen answers the phone and asks Jacques what he wants.Jacques said, “Relax Marleen I’m not here to start any beef, I wanted to inform you that the annual midyear ball is coming up and we are in charge of organising everything that takes place that night.”Marleen replied, “Oh, its that time of the year already, damn this year already started moving, I guess. Alright We’ll talk about this more on Monday.”Jacques and Marleen ended their call and Marleen got a sense of calmness because she remembered that she’s only a high schooler doing her 11th grade.Marleen said to herself, “Wow, I’m so stressed by all of this I’ve been losing my life as a high schooler.”Little did Marleen know that
Last Updated : 2023-02-05
The Connection Chapter 15 - Unstable
Shana's mind is currently in a spiral due to the words that have come out of Marleen's mouth. Shana asked Marleen if Jerry knew who Bruce was and Marleen said she didn't know the connection between Jerry and Bruce, but in order to find out the truth, Marleen knew she would have to do more research on Bruce and her mom. Shana asked Marleen who her actual dad is.Marleen explained to Shana saying, "Well to be honest, I don't really know much about him except for the fact that he and my mom have been married since I was born. Although me and him never really spoke on a personal level"Shana told Marleen that she has to take time to process all this information because she still isn't in the best of moods because earlier, she and Janette ran into Jerry and Melionna and Melionna got into an argument with Janette. Marleen asked Shana where Janette is at this very moment, but Shana said she wasn't sure."Knock Knock, hello is anybody home?" A mystery man asks while knocking at the door of Ma
Last Updated : 2023-02-04
The Connection Chapter 14 - Family Ties
Earlier that day before Jerry's appointment was done.Marleen began searching for answers regarding who the serial killer that held her and family hostage was. She stopped by the prison at which he was held in and Marleen then asked the jail receptionist if she could see him and the jail receptionist asked for her name and said she could see him in 10 minutes.After 10 minutes had passed a prison guard escorted Marleen to go see the serial killer and when they got there, Marleen was told she only has 20 minutes to talk with him. Both Marleen and the serial killer sat across from each other in an empty room at a single desk in the middle of it.The serial killer asked Marleen what her business was with him.Marleen said, "Well I came for answers... why did you come for me and my family?"The serial killer smiled and said, "So your mom still hasn't told you who I am, well I'll tell you then."Before the serial killer began explaining everything to Marleen, he asked Marleen if she had an
Last Updated : 2023-02-04
The Connection Chapter 13 - Spiral
Once he got to the café he saw Janette struggling to untie herself while she tried crawling to the entrance of the café. Jerry got in t help Janette and closed the door behind him. Janette was shaking while Jerry was trying to untie her legs and arms. While untying her, someone got into the shop.It was Luna, the head of the Press Team at Jerry's high school and when she saw Jerry untying Janette with cuts all over her body, she froze. Jerry untied Janette's arms and legs then he asked Luna what she's doing here. Luna told Jerry that she wanted to speak with him when he was running past her, but he didn't stop so she followed him into the café although she didn't expect to see what was happening when she opened the door.Jerry told Luna to close the door behind her and not question Janette until she stops shaking in fear. Luna did so and sat down by one of the chairs and tried processing everything she's seen. Janette untied her mouth and began trembling and crying. Jerry hugs Janette
Last Updated : 2023-02-04
Wow, impressive Are you open for suggestions?