Chapter Seven


Davin had recovered fully, he was in his study with James, discussing all that had happened when he was absent.

"While you were away Lord Darius, we hadn't been having any war threats, and so we focused more on the family's business." James said.

"And how's the progress?" Davin asked. He was now dressed in an expensive suit, and his hair neatly combed. He was now appearing like the billionaire he always was.

"The business is doing well, Lord Darius, we have expanded our reach all over the world, holding 20% of the entire world's revenue." James explained giving the computer to Davin to see for himself.

Davin was amazed, the profit coming into the Lord's business empire was almost immeasurable, having 20% of the entire world's revenue, they were no doubt the richest family currently, not only do they have hundreds of companies they also have shares in others which weren't theirs.

"There have been a lot of improvements." Davin was impressed, there weren't so many companies owned by the Lords when he was away, but now they've been so many.

"Yes Lord Darius, your father really did a great job, he was indeed a wise businessman."

"I know, and that's why I'm going to avenge him and bring back my mum and brother." Davin clenched his fist.

"And I'll be by your side my Lord." James said with respect.

"I'll be going back to Sunset City tomorrow." Davin replied.

"What? But for what? I remember when we found you, you were almost dead, I believe you should go with some men just in case your enemies return to attack you again." James suggested.

"You don't need to worry about that James, they are just minor humans, I'll be able to crush them all with my bare hands." Davin smiled with one side of his lips.

"Then why didn't you the first time? Why did you let them make you bleed?" James was curious.

"We don't always have to show who we truly are. I'll get back at them in a way they will never expect."

"Okay my Lord."

"Hum, James. Do you know anything about the Mansion enterprise?" Davin asked.

"The Madison enterprise in Sunset City?" James asked to be sure.

"Yes." Davin affirmed.

"Not exactly, but I can check it right away."

"Yes please do."

Davin remembered when Victoria told him that the mansion company belonged to Derek, and if he would be planning to bring him down financially, that would be his first target. If he breaks Derek financially he'll be too weak to react.

James went through the system and read everything he needed to know about the Madison enterprise, their productivities and their relationship with varying organizations.

He showed his findings to Davin, and Davin's attention went straight to the Beta's Organization, the number one company in Sunset City. He also learnt that the Beta and Madison company had a strong relationship together, with Beta company being their number one business deal partners.

"James, can you contact the CEO of Beta industry?" Davin asked.

"Yes sir." James replied.

"Good, do so and also prepare for my flight . I'm heading back to the city." Davin announced.

"What, Lord Darius but...why so sudden?"

"I'm going to buy the Beta industry." Davin replied.

"You want to buy another company?" James Asked and Davin stared at him.

"Oh of course, pardon me Lord Darius, I'll do that right away." James said then went out to make the arrangements.

'Derek, you dare try to kill me, I'll show you how it feels to be punished by a god, I'll destroy you and give you a taste of your own medicine. The Windsors family will crumble under me feet and ask for forgiveness, but by then it'll be two late'

After some minutes James arrived back.

"I've booked for your flight Lord Darius, I made it as early as possible, and it'll be in two days' time." James reported.

"Alright, and one more thing James."

"What is Lord Darius?"

"No more dulling while I'll be away, I want you and the warriors to prepare yourself, because when I return it'll be war. We have to save my mother and brother at any cost."

"I understand my Lord, I'll do exactly as you say."


Mr Luther the CEO of Beta industry walked towards his office with his secretary.

"Sir, someone was here to see you." She said,

"Who is it?" Mr. Luther asked.

"It's Mr. Darius sir, he previously booked an appointment with you a few days ago."

"Oh, yeah I remember. Where is he now?"

"I told him to wait for you at my office, but I can tell him to come meet you right away."

"Alright do that."

Luther walked to his office, and sat on his chair, his hands on his table. He brought out some files and was going through them, signing the necessary paperwork and doing other necessary things. Just then someone knocked at the door.

"Who's it? Come in."

His secretary walked in with Davin, he was in a red suit, his hands dipped in his pocket. He then walked in and extended a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Luther. I'm Darius."

"Nice to meet you Darius, have a seat." He offered Davin a seat, and gestured for his secretary to excuse them.

"So what brought you to my office, I heard you booked an appointment days ago." Luther asked.

"Yes I did, I wanted to discuss something very important with you." Davin said.

"Something important? Alright I'm all ears."

"Mr. Luther, I know your company is one of the top in the City, and I am planning to strike a very big deal with you."

"A big deal? What kind of deal Mr. Darius?"

"I want to buy your company." Davin announced.

Mr. Luther laughed over his statement, the Beta industry is among the top three richest and largest companies in the city, worth over billions of dollars and some nameless individual wants to buy it?

Darius wasn't known in the city, so there was no way he could afford to buy the Beta industry, if he was that rich he would be well recognized.

"Is this some kind of joke mister?" Mr. Luther felt insulted.

"No it isn't, and I am very serious. I would like to hear your opinion on my request." Davin leaned back on the chair.

"The Beta industry is worth 2 trillion dollars and I make approximately 100 billion annually, how can you be able to purchase it? " Mr. Luther sounded a bit upset.

How can a common man be asked to buy his company? Who does he think he is? And does he even have the money to buy it?.

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