Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
"Following the arrest of the only surviving son of Chris Livingston of Livingston pharmaceutical, the Company losses . The"

Mandy punched the off button on the remote and cut off the voice of the presenter. She picked up her wine glass from the table and turned to Declan.



They clinked their glasses together and took a long satisfied sip from their wine.

"Ahh... Now this is what victory feels like."

"Are you that impressed?" Declan asked with a knowing smile.

"It feels so good. That scumbag got what he deserved. How could he do that to innocent people? He should be locked away for the rest of his life."

Declan smiled and walked to the window. He was surely impressed by the outcome of the stunt he pulled. Not only was James arrested, their Company may never be able to recover from the loss.

But deep down, Declan knew there was more to be done. He must find out the person responsible for the production of the substance Clara and Ashley were drugged with.

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