Chapter Two Hundred and Seven.

May stiffened for a second. She sat up and began to wipe her face hastily with the back of her palm.

"One sec."

May said and stood up. She looked at herself in the mirror and made sure her dress was well put in place.

The knock came again and May jolted to the door abruptly.


She yelled and pulled the door open.


Patrick's deep voice said and May's breath hitched. She blinked, confused and disappointed at the the same time

"You? What— hold on."

He stepped out of the door and looked down the empty hallway for a second before she returned to stand before Patrick, her arms folded against her chest this time.

"What are you doing here? Wait... how did you climb up to my room. Mom!"

May yelled with a stern face. She shut her eyes to blow out the hot air that steamed in her lungs. What was she? Delusional? She had thought that was Declan. Again she was embarrassed.

"I'm sorry if I took you by surprise but we have a problem."

"I don't care what problems you have Patrick. Our
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