CH 43: How Is That Possible?


[21 November 2021, Sunday--- Noon]

As the group approached the center of the town, the atmosphere became increasingly eerie. The once lively streets now stood still, devoid of any signs of life. The abandoned buildings loomed over them, casting long shadows that seemed to whisper secrets of the town's mysterious past.

Not even Brien, the leader of the former military personnel, could shake off the unsettling feeling that tightened his chest. 

"This doesn't make any sense," he muttered as he glanced at both Mike and David, who also seemed to be at a loss for words.

Everyone in the group exchanged nervous glances but continued on their journey, their curiosity overcoming their apprehension. But as they neared the town square, a heavy silence hung in the air. Unlike earlier, the abandoned buildings and houses looked worn down and vegetation have long started to grow along the structures. In only the course of a few months of the zombie infestation, it contradictorily looked like the place had witnessed at least a decade of neglect.

‘How is this possible? I know that people who have fled to a safe place during the zombie invasion but the wear and tear of this area says there hasn’t been a soul here in years… But I was just here several months ago and there’s no way the place could look like this in such a short period of time,’ Jared thought to himself.

The group scanned the surroundings, their senses heightened by the unnerving stillness that enveloped the area. A distant sound echoed through the desolate streets- an ominous creaking noise that seemed to come from a tall, dilapidated building that was a dozen feet ahead of them.

“We’re here,” Jared mumbled.

It was Beryl Mall- the same shopping complex where this madness had originated from.

The group halted, their eyes darting in the direction of the sound. Brien raised her hand and signaled to Mike and David to take the lead. The two former military personnel sheathed their close combat weapons- David, his makeshift spear, and Mike, his dagger- and took out their guns. The two slowly and cautiously scouted the area before heading into the shopping complex.

Moments later, David reemerged from the shopping complex’s entrance and gave a thumbs up to the rest of the group to indicate that it was safe for them to enter. 

‘I’m finally going to get answers here,’ Jared thought as he and the others entered the building.

Their steps echoed through the vast emptiness around them. It was strangely eerie yet comforting at the same time. The place was filled with remnants of a life that had abruptly halted- a table set for a meal, chairs pushed back as if hastily vacated, and family photographs left scattered on the floor. 

It was not to say that it was abrupt in the sense of there being life just minutes ago. For instance, the food that was left behind had long started to decay. However, it was clear that there were people here at some point in time.

In comparison, the abandoned town felt like a ghostly labyrinth that was built simply for the sake of it. The few houses and buildings the group had entered had no personal belongings nor signs of even being used or lived in. It was as if there were secrets hidden in the decaying structures that surrounded the shopping complex.

‘I wonder if my home is going to be like this mall or like the other houses we’ve already passed. There’s a chance that my home is still as it is… Maybe I’ll be able to-’

“Wait!” Jared abruptly said to the others and started rushing towards the entrance of the shopping complex.

“What?! What is it?” David called out as he ran after Jared. Clara and Adam could only watch helplessly as Mike and Brien held them back.

“...the ground!” Jared yelled back instead slowing down his pace.

“Huh? What about it?” David asked as he kept the gun he was holding away and took out his spear.


Upon exiting, Jared looked towards the left side of the building. It was a park that was next to the shopping complex and only a half an hour's walk from his house. Although the vegetation had overgrown due to neglect, it was just as Jared had imagined.

However, there was something he needed to check.

Jared started trudging through the tall bushes and mud when a large hand grabbed his arm.

“You can’t just mindlessly walk into bushes like that. For all you know, there could be a wild animal, or worse, a zombie. I thought you were the smart one but your action is telling me otherwise. Tell me what’s going on.”

It was only then did Jared felt the familiar, incessant throbbing headache and rising anxiety that was building up in his chest.

“Hey! I’m asking you a question!” David demanded as he tightened his grip.

“I want to check something on the ground over there…” Jared pointed towards the park but continued to face David.


“I…” Jared avoided David’s gaze and looked towards the park.

‘No, I can’t tell him the truth… Things are already quite different from how it once was when I was here several months ago. There’s no telling if those marks are still on the ground…’ Jared swallowed hard, ‘Or if it never happened in the first place…’

“Well? What’s the reason?” David urged.

Jared hesitated for a moment before finally answering.

“Just before I was taken away to the facility… I… dropped something… I just want to see if it’s still there…”

‘Ah… Such a flimsy lie…’


Jared looked up at David in disbelief.


“I said ‘okay’. Go and check out whatever it is. I’ll keep watch. Just make it quick,” David said grumpily.

“Oh… Thanks…”


With David close behind, Jared quickly surveyed the immediate area and counted the trees.

“No way…” Jared gasped and then started rustling through the bushes and weeds to check out the ground in various spots of the park.

“I-It’s not there… It’s as if nothing-”

“Hey, are you alright? ...Can’t find your item?” David asked awkwardly.

It was clear that the former military personnel did not believe that Jared could find the item he had dropped ages ago. However, for some reason, it felt awkward to be the one to voice out the fact to Jared- not when the boy had clearly been going through a lot way before the zombie invasion. Moreover, it was not a mindless and crazy rant as David and the other two have observed and realized that the boy and his blond friend were of sound mind. If anything, only those of unsound minds would think otherwise.

Even though it was an obvious lie, David was willing to let the boy search for whatever it was. There were no signs of danger and the boy was definitely concerned about something.

“No, it’s not there…” Jared replied in a dispirited voice.

“Oh? I can help you look for it if you tell me what it is you’re searching for.”

“No, I guess it wasn’t here to begin with…”

‘The big trees that were close to the entrance were struck down while the ground was cracked in various spots in the area during that horrible lightning storm… But everything looks the same. Unless someone replaced all the damage to make it look as good as new, this isn’t the same place… How is that possible?”

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