CH 44: Are You Done With This Little Game Of Yours?

Warning: This chapter contains disturbing descriptions of violence and gore that might be uncomfortable for certain readers. Please read at your own discretion.

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In a once peaceful forest, where birds of varying species chirped cheerily high up in the trees and small, young animals growled playfully as they ran about in glee, there existed a hidden haven untouched by the human presence for decades. Deep within this forest, where sunlight filtered through the dense canopy to dapple the forest floor with shifting patterns of light and shadow, lay a serene and lively playground for wildlife.

The ancient trees stood tall and proud, their branches reaching towards the sky like outstretched arms embracing the heavens. Moss clung to their trunks, and vines wound around their massive forms, creating a verdant tapestry of greenery. Wildflowers of every color imaginable dotted the forest floor, their delicate petals swaying gently in the breeze.

Amidst this idyllic scene, creatures of all shapes and sizes made their homes. Squirrels darted through the underbrush, their bushy tails twitching with excitement as they searched for nuts and berries. Rabbits hopped through the meadows, their soft fur gleaming in the sunlight as they nibbled on tender grasses.

In this untouched wilderness, the cycle of life unfolded in perfect harmony. a sanctuary where nature could thrive undisturbed by the chaos of the outside world.

And then, that peace was gone.

"Ha! Hah..!" a woman gasped in exhaustion as she limped away as quickly as she could.

She had been on the run for what felt like an eternity, each moment stretching into an agonizing eternity as she pushed her battered body forward through the dense undergrowth. The forest seemed to close in around her, its branches reaching out like gnarled fingers to snag at her torn clothing.

Every step sent waves of pain radiating up her injured leg, the torn cloth barely holding back the torrent of blood that flowed from the gaping wound. With each passing moment, the binding grew looser, the fabric unraveling under the strain of her frantic movements.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, the air burning in her lungs as she fought to keep moving. But the darkness was closing in around her, blotting out the world with its suffocating embrace. Her vision blurred, the edges of her consciousness fading into nothingness as she stumbled forward on trembling legs.

Despite the agony that tore through her body, there was no numbness, no relief from the relentless onslaught of pain. It clawed at her, a relentless beast that refused to be tamed, driving her ever closer to the brink of despair.

In her darkest moments, she found herself tempted to give up, to surrender to the darkness, and let her assailants claim their final victory. But the thought of what awaited her at their hands was enough to steel her resolve, to push her onwards through the agony and the fear.

‘I don’t know how much longer I can hold on…  or how much more this battered body can endure... But as long as there is breath in my lungs and strength in my limbs, I will fight.’

She staggered.

‘Fight to survive.’

She held onto a low tree branch before she could fall flat on the ground.

‘Fight to see another day...’

Her throat parched and lungs burning, she slowed her pace, stealing a moment to glance back over her shoulder. It was a fatal mistake. In that split second of distraction, the forest seemed to conspire against her, ensnaring her in its tangled embrace.

A root, hidden beneath a carpet of fallen leaves, reached out like a grasping hand, snagging her foot and sending her tumbling to the ground with a cry of pain. The impact jarred her already injured leg, sending waves of agony radiating through her body.

The remaining of the cloth came undone as the broken bone stuck out of her flesh even further. Blood squirted out as the remaining arteries and veins snapped from the leg being contorted in a completely unnatural direction.

Unable to bear the fresh assault of pain, the woman let out a blood-curdling scream that pierced the stillness of the forest like a knife. Almost instantly, the world around her seemed to hold its breath, the very air growing heavy with tension.

The birds ceased their chirping, the rustle of leaves stilled, and even the insects fell silent in the face of her anguish. It was as if she had startled the entire ecosystem into silence with the sheer force of her agony.

For a moment, the woman lay there, gasping for breath, the echoes of her scream ringing in her ears. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized the profound impact her cry had had on the world around her.

'The scream would have even woken up the dead... or undead in this case.'

But then, as suddenly as it had fallen, the silence was broken as the leaves from the trees and bushes rustled.

In fright, the woman turned towards the sound, her heart pounding in her chest as she scanned the shadows for any sign of danger. But as she strained her ears, she realized that there was nothing to fear. It was merely the passing breeze, weaving its way through the branches and stirring the leaves into motion. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she relaxed slightly, the tension bleeding from her body like water from a wound.

'Thank goodness. I thought that they had already found me because of the screa-'

Fallen dried leaves crunched and twigs snapped.

The woman was no longer alone.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a typical horror-triller mistake," a squeaky feminine voice called out.

The woman was instantly on high alert again.

"My, my... It's truly a wonder that you haven't gone into a shock despite how severely injured you are," the same squeaky feminine voice said from close behind.

The woman took another glance at her injured leg, the sight of the torn flesh and protruding bone sending a wave of nausea washing over her. With a grimace of pain, she struggled to stand up, her muscles protesting every movement.

But her injured leg buckled beneath her weight, sending her crashing to the ground once more. She bit back a scream of frustration and agony, the taste of blood filling her mouth as she fought to control the pain.

With trembling hands, she pushed herself onto her hands and knees, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. Every movement sent waves of agony radiating through her body, but she refused to give in to despair.

Without warning, a black, heavy boot stomped down on her right hand with brutal force. Agony shot through her like lightning, and this time, the woman couldn't contain the scream that tore from her throat.

It echoed through the silent forest, a raw expression of pain and fear that reverberated through the trees like a primal cry. Tears stung her eyes as she clutched her injured hand to her chest, her whole body trembling with shock and anguish.

"Are you done with this little game of yours?" the voice asked.

The woman looked up.

The assailant, a woman who looked to be about the same age as her prey, stood triumphant over the injured woman, a twisted smile of satisfaction curling her lips. In another life, they could have been classmates, perhaps even friends, living carefree in the hallowed halls of a university. But such dreams were now nothing more than faded memories, washed away by the relentless tide of chaos and destruction that had engulfed the world.

In this new reality, survival was the only thing that mattered, and for some, survival meant embracing the darkness within themselves. The horde of the undead, with their insatiable hunger for flesh, had turned the world into a nightmare, where the living were forced to adapt or perish.

But while some had chosen to band together, to support and protect one another in the face of adversity, others had succumbed to their basest instincts, becoming little more than monsters themselves. The assailant was of the latter group, finding pleasure in the pain and suffering of others, reveling in the power that came from inflicting torment upon the helpless.

As she stood over her prey, her eyes glittering with malice, she felt a rush of adrenaline and ecstasy coursing through her veins. The screams of her victim only fueled her twisted desires, sending shivers of delight down her spine.

With a cruel laugh that echoed through the silent forest, the assailant reached out for her prey, eager to continue the torture and savoring every moment of her depravity.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk… We have lost a lot of time. But now that you’re done playing, it’s time for us to continue. Besides, the doctor is waiting for us.”

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