CH 47: Fixation 2

Warning: This chapter contains disturbing and unhealthy thoughts and actions of manipulation that might be triggering for certain readers. Please read at your own discretion.

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[Doctor Heine’s personal perspective and monologue of his thoughts and memory]

Samantha was one of the few people Gemini Enterprise had assigned to pose as staff members and patients at the facility. But of all the people sent, I was closest with Samantha as she was previously my secretary at the Gemini Enterprise laboratory. Moreover, she was a diligent and fiercely strict person- definitely someone worthy of overseeing my schedule and managing the miscellaneous matters that concerned very little of my actual work.

Of course, my decision to include her in my new approach to the Jared matter may be biased due to my personal connection with her, but I had this inkling that others were simply sent to spy on me. I despised the idea of having my every move monitor. It gave off the feeling of having someone literally breathing down my neck and scrutinizing my every decision. What if something was somewhat disagreeable and I subsequently get pulled out from the job? This was my dream and I was about to let anyone snatch it away simply over something as silly as perhaps the way I breathed.

Worse, I suspect that more spies were sent and the company had intentionally left out such details. Either way, I was left with no choice other than to partner up with Samantha. Besides, there was no one more suited for the job than her.

Samantha had a magnetic presence, a warmth that drew people to her like moths to a flame. Her portrayed kindness seemed to melt away even the genuine thickest walls, making her an invaluable asset in my quest to uncover the truth about Jared.

The strategy was as unconventional as it was risky. I would take on the role of the villain, pushing Jared to his limits in our sessions, while Samantha would play the role of the savior, and provide the nurturing support Jared would so desperately crave. The stark dichotomy between our approaches was crucial; it was this stark contrast that I believed would ultimately lead Jared to open up to Samantha.

In the beginning, Jared's demeanor was guarded, his eyes shrouded by distrust. But as Samantha worked her magic, a subtle change began to take hold. He began to see her as a beacon of hope in the darkness, a source of comfort in his time of need.

To expedite our progress, I ramped up my methods, subjecting Jared to ever-increasing levels of pain and discomfort. I ensured he remained fully conscious, denying him even the slightest reprieve from his torment. It was only a matter of time before he opened up to Samantha. 

But just as our plan was on the cusp of success, Louis emerged as an unexpected obstacle. As a patient within the facility, his sharp intellect defied the typical expectations of insanity. He saw through our carefully constructed facade, recognizing the cruelty that lurked beneath the surface.

His presence threatened to unravel everything we had worked so hard to achieve. With his keen insight and unwavering determination, he posed a threat to everything we had worked so hard to achieve. That pest spent every waking moment by Jared’s side, leaving no way for Samantha to form a deeper bond with Jared.

As the situation grew more dire, my mind raced with the implications of Louis's allegiance to Gemini Enterprise. His refusal to assist us posed a significant threat to our mission, leaving us vulnerable to exposure and potential consequences.

Faced with this stark reality, I knew that drastic measures were necessary to salvage our plan. But the thought of isolating Louis, while tempting, carried its own risks. Any sudden action could shatter Jared's fragile sense of security and further complicate our efforts to gain his trust.

Desperation drove me to consider alternative strategies. Perhaps I could appeal to Louis's sense of reason, convincing him to either withdraw from Jared or collaborate with us in uncovering the truth. But as our confrontation unfolded, it became clear that Louis was not swayed by such appeals.

Moreover, judging from the amount of confidential and sensitive information he knew, he was definitely from Gemini Enterprise. Yet, frustratingly, Louis remained steady in his loyalty to Jared and even threatened to expose our plan if we continued to push Jared beyond his limits. He reasoned that he simply found Jared interesting. 

Before things could go any further, I received an encrypted email from Ted Kaliosky, CEO of Gemini Enterprise. The sudden contact had jolted me out of my seething rage against Louis. Despite my burning desire to silence Louis, the sudden contact from the highest echelon of the company demanded immediate attention.

I quickly abandoned my plans regarding Louis and focused on deciphering the message. With each passing second, the urgency of the situation weighed heavily on my mind. Why would the CEO of Gemini Enterprise be reaching out to me now, and in such a clandestine manner?

Suppressing my mounting apprehension, I replied to the email, confirming my willingness to meet at the designated convenience store. The prospect of a face-to-face encounter with Ted Kaliosky both intrigued and unsettled me.

As I made my way to the rendezvous point, my thoughts churned with uncertainty. What could the CEO possibly want from me? And how would our interaction impact the delicate web of secrets and deceit that surrounded Jared and the facility?

Arriving at the convenience store, I scanned the area cautiously, searching for any sign of Ted Kaliosky. Eventually, I spotted a figure standing near the entrance, and my heart skipped a beat as I approached.

"Dr. Heine, I presume?" came a voice from the shadows, sending a shiver down my spine.

Turning, I found myself face-to-face with Ted Kaliosky, his demeanor calm yet inscrutable. Unlike what I had expected, Ted Kaliosky had a boyish look. Not even the greying hair nor eyes that were deep and spoke volumes of the years of experience he had, took away his youthfulness. However, I was aware that Ted Kaliosky was well passed his prime years.

"Yes, that's me," I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"Thank you for meeting me on such short notice," Ted Kaliosky said, his voice smooth and measured. "I trust you received my email?"

I nodded, still trying to process the unexpected encounter. "Yes, I did. It's... unusual for the CEO to reach out directly."

Ted Kaliosky's lips curled into a faint smile. "I prefer to handle certain matters personally, especially when they concern matters as delicate as this."

His words only added to my growing sense of unease. What could possibly be so important that the CEO himself felt the need to intervene?

"I'll get straight to the point, Dr. Heine," Kaliosky continued, his gaze unwavering. "Gemini Enterprise has been monitoring your activities closely, and we've become aware of certain... discrepancies within the facility."

His words hung in the air, pregnant with possibility and danger alike. With a deep breath, I braced myself for what was to come, steeling myself for the inevitable consequences of my actions.

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