CH 48: Fixation 3

Warning: This chapter contains slightly disturbing descriptions of gore and violence that might be uncomfortable for certain readers. Please read at your own discretion.

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[Doctor Heine’s personal perspective and monologue of his thoughts and memory]

Ted Kaliosky's words hit me like a sudden punch to the gut, leaving me reeling with a mix of guilt and apprehension. My mind raced as I tried to comprehend the implications of his stern reprimand. What had I done to warrant such direct intervention from the CEO himself?

“I... I understand,” I managed to choke out, my voice betraying a hint of unease. “But the situation with Jared... it's more complex than initially anticipated. I believed that swift action was necessary to uncover the truth.”

Ted Kaliosky's gaze remained fixed on me, his expression inscrutable. “Swift action, Dr. Heine? Or reckless disregard for protocol?” he countered, his tone laced with thinly veiled disappointment.

I swallowed hard, struggling to find a suitable response. The weight of Ted Kaliosky's words bore down on me, forcing me to confront the consequences of my actions.

“I take full responsibility for my actions,” I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within me. “I understand the gravity of the situation, and I'm prepared to face whatever consequences may arise.”

Ted Kaliosky regarded me for a long moment, his eyes searching mine for any sign of sincerity. Finally, he spoke again, his voice softer this time but no less stern.

“I appreciate your candor, Dr. Heine. However, what perplexes me is how can an intelligent man of science act such as yourself so impulsively. Was it truly done out of the urgency of a arisen situation or mere curiosity? I’m sure that you were fully aware of how important the subject, Jared, was. He was after all the only patient on the fifth floor of the facility who was monitored 24/7.”

“...If that was really true, why didn’t Gemini Enterprise keep him under lock and key upon his arrival? Why go through the headache of all these pretenses?”

“Tsk. With every passing minute, my initial impression of you being a brilliant scientist is going lower and lower. Jared was very active online and an abrupt disappearance will only cause an unnecessary stir. It was a fortunate thing that his mother deemed him insane and basically surrendered him to us on a platter. Although our periodical DNA sample gathering from him proved to be ultimately useless, his continued existence in our reality proved to be a testament that traveling between different realities- when we discover a way to do so- was completely possible without the worry of an eventual deterioration of the body.”

Before I could say anything, Ted Kaliosky continued.

“So, Dr. Heine, allow me to ask you this. Was it truly in the name of science or a twisted fixation on the boy?”

Ted Kaliosky's pointed questions left me feeling exposed, as if he had peeled back the layers of my psyche to reveal the raw truth beneath. His words echoed in my mind, challenging the very foundation of my actions and motivations.

“I... I assure you, Mr. Kaliosky, my intentions were purely scientific,” I replied, my voice betraying a hint of defensiveness. “The mystery surrounding Jared's existence presented a unique opportunity to further our understanding of the universe and the possibilities it holds.”

But even as the words left my lips, I couldn't shake the nagging doubt that gnawed at the corners of my mind. Had I truly been driven by a pursuit of knowledge, or had I allowed my fascination with Jared's enigmatic presence to cloud my judgment? Or was it something else entirely?

Ted Kaliosky regarded me with a skeptical expression, his eyes boring into mine with a piercing intensity. “And yet, your actions speak otherwise,” he said, his tone laced with skepticism. “You bypassed established protocols and put the entire operation at risk, all for the sake of satisfying your ‘curiosity’.”

His words struck a nerve, stirring a sense of self-doubt that I had long sought to suppress. Had I become so consumed by my obsession with Jared that I had lost sight of the ethical implications of my actions?

But before I could formulate a response, Ted Kaliosky continued, his voice taking on a more somber tone.

“As for Jared,” he said, his gaze unwavering. “Rest assured, we will take the necessary precautions to ensure his safety and well-being moving forward. But as for you, Dr. Heine... I'm afraid this is where it ends.”

Upon his saying that a couple of dangerous-looking men entered the convenience store. In a matter of seconds, I was surrounded by them with no way of escaping. Realizing the true meaning of Ted Kaliosky’s statement, looked around to see if there were anyone in the vicinity that could come to my aid. But there was no one. Not even the employee who was working the cashier was around- he was instead standing at the entrance of the store with a smug grin. That was when it dawned on me. It was a setup right from the start. Ted Kaliosky has already deemed me as a liability and planned for the problem, me, to be removed.

Swallowing my anger and fear, I squeezed my eyes shut as I braced myself for the worst as the men approached toward me. Strangely enough, there was only one sharp stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. 

“Ah!” a distant anguished cry was heard from outside of the store. Chalking up as if it just being my imagination, I braced myself for a painful death that was to come.

Seconds passed yet there was no accompanying pain that followed.

“W-What’s going on?” one of the men said.

“Shit! Whatever it is, I’m not going to stay to find out!” the other man yelled, followed by their running footsteps that were getting more and more distant.

Curious, I squinted my eyes open and saw the chaos that was taking place outside of the store.

A few people were viciously attacking Ted Kaliosky and his men. At first instant, I thought the newcomers were from an enemy company, but something did not seem right. Hiding behind the cashier, I continued to watch the interaction when I began to grasp what was unfolding before my eyes.

The newcomers were covered in bloodstains and had flesh and fractured bones that stuck out of them. However, as if not noticing the pain and injuries, they continued to vigorously shuffle and limp toward Ted Kaliosky and his men, attempting to bite them. More eerie and interestingly, none of the shots, bashing, and stabbing inflicted upon the newcomers were being registered. The newcomers were relentless and continued to shuffle after Ted Kaliosky and his men even after they had gotten into the vehicle and driven away.

Bleeding and all alone, I slumped against the cashier's desk and lowered myself to the floor. But instead of reeling over the extraordinary scene I had just witnessed or the wound in my abdomen, I found myself still dumbfounded over what Ted Kaliosky had said earlier. As much as I wanted to deny it, I found myself pondering over the thought-

Was it truly a twisted fixation?

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