Chapter 11

After few weeks, the animosity between my siblings and I seemed to have died down, but the tension was still there. We just pretended to ignore it. My father, also, had neglected to talk to me. Ever since our little trip, to town.

Besides him being at work, he was arriving late at night, especially when he thought we were all asleep. He didn't know that my spirit was lurking there watching with Ganuku who was teaching me everyone's secrets. The worst feeling was feeling neglected by my own parent. He could not even address the issues at hand, but he had been coming at home drunk all the time.

He even ate his dinner in the morning, around 12:00am. My brothers were sure that he was attempting to destroy them, he was planning for their slow death, but the reality was far from that. Since he drowned himself in the bottle. I wished I didn't feel so sad about it, but my heart was breaking. Ganuku saw my reaction and he asked me what my issues were?

"You always seem so sad when you look at him. What is the problem?" He asked.

"He has not addressed me since what I told him, my spirit feels so sad. Why did he bring me here if he was just going to avoid me and make me feel so parentless?" I asked Ganuku.

He kept quiet and he looked at my father who was still staggering in darkness, in the kitchen. He was incredibly drunk, I could not even express how sad that made me feel.

"JAMES GAVE ME PSYCHEDELICS, NOW I SEE ALL THESE WEIRD THINGS." Father was blubbering. I saw Ganuku bulge his eyes in terror.

"What is happening?" I asked him.

"Let's hide, he will see us... We need to go outside." As he was still stating, father turned around and he looked at us. It was weird how it seemed like he could see us, but in reality we were in the spirit form. He wiped his face and did not see us because Ganuku had dragged me and we had hidden behind the sofa.

"Was that Ganuku with my son Clearance?" He wiped his eyes again. "I should stop taking drugs they affect my memory, shit that was weird. Ganuku was never my child, Vivian had conceived that bastard with a witch doctor. She thought I could not tell my own children? I just let her believe that we were together, but I was married to my wife. She killed my wife!" Father stated and I looked at Ganuku, I could tell that he was breaking, even in his spirit body. His eyes looked so sad, very sad and then they turned stoic. The shift in his energy made my blood run cold, It felt surreal to be able to get out of my own boby, but if felt even more nerve wrecking to experience fear. How could that happen?

"Are you okay Ganuku, Ganuku?" I tried to touch him, but I felt the shock of electricity. It felt like death. My whole body was consumed with shock.

"Do not touch me!" He was bewildered. I recoiled with fear and attempted to run back to my physical body. That was when father's face appeared from above and he stared at us, from behind the sofa. His eyes locked with mine and he looked like he had seen the ghost, fear and terror was written all over his eyes.

"You are a witch, just like your family?!" He asked.

'SMACK!!' I woke up and Simon was angrily glaring at me.

"Why did you slap me?' I asked.

"Because you were busy talking about a dead person in your sleep. Ganuku is dead, why did you call his name?!" He asked.

"I-I-I didn't, I -"

"Yes, you did!!! You called him to come and bewitched us?! You are a witch just like your mother!" He said.

I felt dumbfounded with his foolishness, for a second I thought that father had caught me, doing the forbidden act...

"You know what Simon? Fuck off!" I clicked my tongue and groped my blankets aggressively and covering myself. I went back to sleep.

"I'll tell father about this." He stated, but I still ignored him. He could do whatever he wanted for all I cared, but I I needed to talk to Ganuku.


After some time I found myself being lifted, my soul leaving my body and I astral traveled to a place where Ganuku was. It was like I could always sense his spirit and ironically he was in his old room. One of the backrooms. He was sitting on the floor drawing art. It was weird seeing a ghost doing some physical activity.

"That was a warning. If you always come to me through leaving your body, sooner or later you will get caught. There is a way to go about, we need to make a ritual. My soul will be able to enter your body and I will be able to fight your battles for you, your brothers would not even know anything." Ganuku said. He was facing his painting and not looking at me and it was interesting how he knew what I was going to ask, without me actually telling it to him. He even knew what I had told father and he was not even on the shopping center.

"Simon already called me a witch, he said I was calling your name in my sleep." I said. I was testing to see if he could tell everything that I was witnessing. "He threatened to tell father about it." I finished.

"Simon is the least of your worries right now." He said.

"Why do you always dismiss the fact that he is a threat to me?!" I asked him with annoyance on my voice.

"I need to show you something..." He grabbed my arm and we flew to a local tarven. I noticed it since it was the only place that sold alcohol, locally . I wondered if was he trying to make us steal alcohol or something?

He stood and he stared at some people who were conversing. It was my father. I could hear his voice, sluring. I thought that his words meant nothing. I knew that he was drunk. Until I noticed what he was saying to his other drunk friends.

"My son was hallucinating the other day. He said that he saw a ghost, you know his mother's family had a witch. Maybe they are casting spells on my son to see weird things. I do not know what to do man?" He asked his friend.

"Send him to church with his brothers." The man said.

"I wish that was a good idea, you do remember what they did to Ganuku?" He asked.

"Who is Ganuku, you mean your dead child?" The man asked.

"Yes him, I was told he was called a sin and was constantly cleansed they advised Ezra to baptise him with hot boiling water." He said.

"That is weird man and did she do it?" The man asked. Father kept quiet for a long time.

"Did she do it?" The man asked again. Father nodded his head, but you could tell that this was hurting him.

"We need to leave." Ganuku stated. I wanted to stay and listen more, so I tried to ignore him.

"Now!" Ganuku stated firmly.

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