Chapter: 10

I was home, when I saw the silhouette of Ganuku reappearing. He was staring away into Rockville. It was like he was watching or witnessing the most interesting event of his life time there. It was a surreal experience witnessing him just standing there and it was during day time.

Me and father came home not speaking to each other, even when he bought me ice-cream, he refused to look at me. It got me wondering that if I had told him these few things and he got so offended, how worse was it gonna be if I had told him about Ganuku? When we came back he did not even address Simon's lackluster behavior that morning, he just went to his bedroom and closed his door, informing Abraham to not bring him any food.

I went inside the house after a while and I saw my weird siblings again. They looked suspicious, like they had been conspiring against me again. I avoided them and did not say anything.

"What did you and father talk about, when you were away in town with him?" Simon, the bold guy asked.

I looked at him and then looked at all of them. "Why? You want me to tell him that you were all conspiring against me? About how you planned my death, is that what you wanted us to discuss?" I asked bluntly.

"We do not know what you are talking about." Simon acted dumb. He was always a master mind of the jedi minds, but that instant he was pathetic.

"Maybe I did finally told him that you are the one that pushed me yesterday. He said he'd catch you in Ntombela's place." I lied.

("Ntombela's place" is a Zulu expression defining where a person is small.)

Simon gulped, bulging his eyes with fear, he did not say anything anymore. I took some of the toys father had bought me and I went to my bedroom. We had eaten a McDonald burger in town and I was still full. I place my toys underneath the bunk bed I had shared with Simon. I was so tired and bored, witnessing such events could have been a lot for a normal seven year old, but I think growing up not really having parents who were there for me fully, forced me to be more mindful of myself. I had to learn to fight my own battles, even against my own big brothers. I went to sleep not carrying about anything that happened afterwards.


My spirit was drifted off to where Ganuku was standing, it felt like an unconscious thing that I was used to doing.

"He will never believe you, you should have not told him about their plan. The less he knows the better it will be." He spoke when saw my spirit approach.

"They are planning to murder me, tell me that you will protect me?" I asked him. If they could fight against me, why should I not use my spirit connection to finish them?

"Your brothers are imbeciles who are stoic their situation, in due time they would not even bother you. The secret is the less you say and the less you react, the better it will be for you." He repeated.

"So, I should just let them abuse me? Do you even know what it is like to be me?" I asked him.

"No, but you do know that it is not worse than my experiences. You saw it for yourself what it was like to be me?" He told me and I remembered the previous night's event. Witnessing him getting tortured by that evil lady.

"Yes, but I still have to feel protected." I insisted.

"You are not listening, let us go to the house now and watch them." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the house. It was weird being on a spirit form and watching my brothers.

"I had never seen him like that, it is like he had become so evil." Samson said.

"Yeah, what did you expect? You made him sleep on a dead man's bed, last night. What did he do to deserve that? I would not blame him, if he is plotting his own revenge. You all deserve it, I mean not after what we went through with Ganuku. It is like you are trying to pull another Ganuku situation on us. His ancestors were fighting for him that whole time we thought he was stupid and passive.

Sometimes when you play with fire and you temper with someone's life, his gods might be hunting you the same way. Ezra did the worst thing by attacking an innocent child, thinking that she was avenging herself against a woman who stole her husband. Too bad that very same woman stabbed her to death, when she discovered what she did to her child and she was already pregnant with Clearance.

Those same emotions might still be felt by Clearance, today. He is the worst person you can think of messing with because he is like a fire cracker, he can read into a situation more than you can blink. It is like he can read your mind, even when you are not saying anything. His ears can hear the whispers of the soul." Abraham explained.

"You always like giving that moron excuses for his behavior!" Simon interjected.

"You are the one to speak Simon, do you forget that you were the one who started with this? If you have not given Clearance the reason to be upset, we would have not been experiencing this problem." Abraham explained. "Schools are reopening next week, so we better prepare for what is to come." Abraham said.

I was left feeling puzzled. They thought I was their threat, whereas I thought they were a the most threatening. I could not believe that I could make grown boys who were older than me, shiver.

It kinder felt great and I was planning to sustain that energy for a long time. I could not let that moment go to waste.

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