Chapter: 5

"You want me to take you through my memory lane of my turmoil?" Ganuku asked.

I nodded my head. I still couldn't believe I was seeing a ghost with my naked eyes. It was dark, but I couldn't bring myself to speak. I was still in shock because he was a ghost to me. He held my head and I found myself drifting off to a deep slumber. I thought that I was dying.

Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. I had never slept instantly, in any situation. It was kinder weird that he was able to have such control over me. It's like he had supernatural powers.

"I will take you to an event, where I was still alive, before you were conceived to this world. An even that transformed my life forever." He said and I was transported to a place when he looked younger that this time, he was probably 6 years old; Simon was still a baby on his mother's arms; Samson and Abraham looked 12 and nine; and the twins were around 4 or 5 years old. It looked strange traveling through time to witness this event. The house was still the same, nothing had changed.

I saw Ezra for the first time in person, she couldn't see me though. I had only seen her in pictures. She was an average fair woman. She looked like a mother in her thirties, but she didn't seem as a woman I wanted as a mother. She seemed upset, she gave the young Ganuku the most horrible stare, I had ever seen. I was already scared of her and I didn't even know her. She seemed like a mean person and I didn't even see her speak yet.

"You think that you're better than my children, who said eat before they do?" She asked.

"I told them I was hungry, but they persisted with playing with no regard to what I was saying. That's why I made myself food." Ganuku explained.

"Is that the reason why your mother brought you here, to this house, she sent you to test me?!" She asked and Ganuku just looked at her with his stoic look. It was hard for even me to process the whole situation that I was witnessing.

She gave Simon to Abraham and 'WHAM!' she slapped him.

She slapped him hard again, "You better speak boy, when I talk to you!" In that moment I found myself wetting my pants, this woman seemed more aggressive than I gave her credits for.

"Why did you eat before your brothers did?! Is this your mother's house?! Did your mother send you here to finish my children's food?! " She asked again... Ganuku still remained silent. He had this passive, but calculated look, it was like he already knew that this situation couldn't get any better.

She then went to the stove, she picked up the pot with hot boiling water and then she placed it on top of him. Ganuku's little legs trembled, he looked like an electric bolt just ran through him, he then started to crying.

"Wipe those disgusting tears, off your face! You think that you are better than my children?!" She continued to shout. "Your mother came to break my house, now she's sending her bastard to eat my children's food?!" She was straight up belligerent and that when it dawned on me, I was born into a very sick situation, this was worse more than anything I had ever seen.

"She told you that you were a prince of this house?! Let's see if you can wear a crown for your sins? I won't wait for God to burn you in hell, I will burn you myself, first." Ezra slapped him again and took his little hands and she made them hold the boiling pot.

Ganuku was in hysterics, crying.

" Shut that glutton mouth of yours, if you let this pot fall, the water will burn you and transport you to your pit. You disgusting child of a hobo!" She added. She went to her bedroom, after few minutes she came back with a belt. She started beating him on his legs, while he was still trembling from the hot water that was on top of his head. Little Ganuku let the hot boiling water to fall on her. She ducked away and stared at him in disbelief.

"You rubbish!!! You think that you are smart, today you will learn. Hold him down boys, I need to teach him a lesson." She commented.

Samson, David and Daniel charged at him. Though he tried to fight back, they had an upper hand. Samson was holding his hands and the twins were holding his legs.

"Pull down his pants!" She continued to order. They did, but they were shocked when they saw that he had two parts, on his bottom area. One part was a protruding weirner and another part was a girl part.

"Demon!" She said. "This is a demon, there's no normal person who has that!" She said taunting him and clearly being abrasive on purpose. She started whooping him. She whooped his bottom for more than 30 minutes, even when she was tired she continued to beat him with a belt.

Ganuku's face became sombre, from all the wailing and crying. He had outlived his cries, he cried for his own mother, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"You see when you commit sin, what happens?" She asked her boys. "You created demons. Your father thought that he was smart, when he cheated on me with that whore, now look at what he has brought to this house, a demon with two legs and two parts. He has created a devil child. When you make children with sluts, you will also create such things. Let this be your lesson to not forsake the ways of the lord. Don't cheat on your wife!" She reprimanded her kids, making Ganuku feel like a spectacle.

It was so horrifying to witness that whole situation. I was sure that I was never ever going to look at any of my big brothers the same way, after witnessing that. I knew from then that maybe the ghost that was haunting me had a purpose, a purpose to protecting me from real human monsters.

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