Chapter: 6

"Wake up!" A voice said.

I kept quiet.

I was avoiding it on purpose and I did not even know who it was. I thought that it was Ganuku, since he gave me that conjuring visit. He probably wanted to show me more of his previous life experiences. What I had witnessed was bad enough for me. I didn't want to see anyone get tortured like that and my soul got yanked from that scene I didn't know what was happening.

I felt myself being lifted up, my eye lids were still heavy and tired from all the astral projection and traveling through time. I couldn't wait to tell them how sick they were, but my spirit felt so heavy. I thought that maybe I should start by telling dad first, about what I saw. What their mother did to the poor Ganuku was appalling.

They had to pay, even for making me sleep on the kitchen floor, I had to make them pay. I was alsa against Abraham's passive reaction. He was brave enough to take a beating for his juvenile brother, Simon, but he wasn't brave enough enough to protect me or Ganuku from his mother and siblings' Insidious wrath. I thought that maybe I was able enough to stop them, until I heard their whispers.

"Put him on his bed, is he awake?" Samson asked.

"No." I heard Abraham say.

"Good, dad shouldn't see what we did. If he tries to report us we'll pretend like he was here the whole time. We'll punish him our own way." He finished.

That caused my heart to ache. I couldn't believe that they were repeating the cycle of evil, they did long time ago.

"You should have let me take him to that mermaid, so that it would kill him. Ezra wants this bastard gone." Simon's voice said.

"Did she visit you again?" David asked.

"Yeah, she said that I should've drowned him in Rockville park, on a pond where that girl was found. Everyone would think that it was just an accident, no one would know that it would have been our doing." He said. My heart sawed with contempt. I could not believe that they were planning to murder me.

"Simon I told you to stop speaking like that, you will get us in trouble. Clearance is our brother now, we should accept it. There's nothing we can do to change that." Abraham explained.

"So you're saying that mom's death was justified? You're saying it's okay for some random slut to come to our house, to tarnish everything mom had built? You know how difficult it has been to live without her?" Simon asked.

"Dad still wanted him here. You remember how he was brought to this house? He was born in prison, he spent six months in prison, he was separated from his mother and he was put in a foster care system. Dad fought very hard to bring him here. I do not think we should do dad like that." Abraham explained. It dawned on me that this whole time I was only being tolerated. I wasn't loved, non of them would ever see me as one of their own.

" He is still our half brother." He finished.

"Oh that's why you picked him up? Instead of letting the mermaid finish him?! Dad beat you yesterday because of him and you're still protecting him?!" Simon was bewildered.

"No Simon, I was protecting you. If dad knew that you pushed him, he would have beaten you instead. Dad loves him more than us, he tolerates us, but he loves him like he is his only child. If anything happens to him, it will be over for all of us." He explained.

"If you wanted to protect me, you should have picked me up, instead of him. I see how you always protect him over us, you took him to Rockville Park, when I specifically told you not to. You know I want nothing to do with him, but you still brought him along. What did you think was going to happen, we were going to play happy family?" Simon esked. In that moment I knew that Simon was both, very sharp and he was vile at the same time. It made sense to me why he was the person that he was.

I was sure that it was what caused Abraham to become a mute.

"We need to go back to church so that we can throw dad off, he shouldn't know that we're conspiring to end Clearance's life. It might take us a while, but we need to get it done." He added.

"I'm not going to be part of this. If you want to go to juvenile, you're on your own and when shit hits the fan, I will tell dad that it was all your doing." Abraham said.

"Fine." Simon said.

"Fine?" Abraham.

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