I chose to let it pass until it ended on its own.

I gulped. I had thought that this relationship ended when they broke up with me during these weeks, so what was she trying to do now?

Could it be that one of them saw me caught red-handed by Detective Werner and concluded that I was someone who couldn't be trusted with responsibility, and wanted to collect a fine?

Or did they know my intention to spill the beans, and thought to get rid of me?


I know my mind has been very paranoid lately, but it's certainly a plausible option.

Michael told them everything about my betrayal, and they decided that I had to go.

It makes even more sense that David's death was part of their plan.

They made it an ultimatum of sorts.

It was as if they were saying, "It's your turn next!"

My phone vibrated again.

[Elena is calling...]

I gulped and started to feel uncomfortable.

Why isn't Eva back yet, anyway? How many hours has she been in the bathroom?

And why did it get so hot in here?

The third call cam
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