42. Megan: No Funny Business.

"Hello," said Gavin into his phone. "Can you hear me?"

Like he was replying to a voice that no one else was able to hear, he said again into the phone, "You already got the name. I want you to deal with him tomorrow. Just as planned.”

A very muffled voice broke out of the phone. It was hard to tell what the voice was saying.

But Gavin replied to him again, "I trust you. I just hope you will do a good job, so I can trust you more. I want it done as quickly as possible, with immediate effect."

"Okay. Remember. His name is Ron Duke. He uses an old washed up Mercedes that has a little scratch by the side. It should not be too hard to notice."

He hung up from the call and smiled to himself. He had not wished for things to come to this, but he sincerely wanted to deal with the C.S.O by all means. If there was anything he wished to do, with all his might, was to beat him up and subject him to the same torture and pains he had put him through. And that he was going to do, all determined a
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