43. At A Car Rental. Rent-And-Use.

After the call, Gavin thought to himself that it would not be particularly fair if he went out with her in a taxi. After her outburst, he really wanted to surprise her and make her feel as though she had made the right choice. Although he had no doubt that she had.

What else could he do to make her happy? He thought to himself. Certainly there should be something he could add. He thought for a few minutes, and then, before he knew it, the most crazy idea crashed into his head.

"I could go borrow a car," he said almost aloud, but still to himself.

He smiled deviously afterwards. There was a car rental-and-use spot somewhere in the inner reaches of the city. There seemed to not be any harm in it, so he went off to the place.

He got there in a taxi. He still wore his worn out uniform. His body was still bruised. A stout man with a walrus moustache came out of the gate and saw him standing outside.

"Oy, mate. What are you doing standing outside of my spot? Do you have some business her
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