45. Gavin: A Idiot In All Things Fashion.

In Gavin's head, he had prepared well to make the trip a memorable one for he and his wife, who still frowned profoundly beside him, not exchanging a word with him at all. In Meghan's head Gavin looked nothing different from a fool. He could cover it up by renting an expensive car, but not having the sense to at least change his clothes into something better showed how lacking he was in his fashion sensibilities. And she could not say anything other than to be ashamed of him.

He was going to embarrass her, wherever they were going, she predicted and was sure of her predictions.

"This the place," he said confidently, stopping the car and coming down from it, while she hesitated, even almost pinching herself to convince herself that what she was seeing was just a dream and it was nothing she should take seriously.

"What are you doing?" He asked her, noticing that she was taking time to come down from the car.

"I know what I am doing," she said. "You do not have to rush me. I am not a k
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