46. Meghan: A Materialistic Woman?

It got to a point that Meghan had to seize Gavin by the hand and drag him outside. Her eyes were almost on the verge of tears as she did. Her eyes carried a weight that she wanted to dispel at that moment, at that time.

"What's going on?" Gavin demanded for an answer, still oblivious of the women's taunts causing a distress on his wife. "Come on, they are just laughing. Why should that bother us?"

He was so used to being laughed at and scorned, that the women laughing at him took nothing away from his pride. And that itself was enough reason for his wife to be angry. He did not care for fashion. He could wear anything at any time, and he would not be bothered by the perception people would have of him. This was not a thing to be proud of to her. It was a ridiculous social trait that would only have her embarrassed time and time again, just because she was legally married to him.

They were now outside the place.

"Why did you take me outside here?" Gavin asked, his voice aloud.

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