47. Not For Errand Boys.

They both got into the car once more. Meghan had stopped crying at the time, and was begining to think more clearly than she was able to, while crying.

"Where are we going to?" She asked him, her voice still cracky and choky as she had just stopped crying. Her eyes were pink in color. She rested her head on the soft leather of the car's chair.

"Which mall would you want us to go to?" He asked her, a smile on his face.

"I don't know. You should pick one. Anyone you pick I'll follow you to."

From her voice he could tell that she was tired and just needed rest to set things straight with herself. After all, he was also tired of arguing everytime they met. The last few days of both their lives had been filled with nothing but disagreements, quarrels, and arguments. He did not want things like that to define their relationship anymore.

He decided to pick the the most expensive clothing store he could find. There was one he particularly liked for its name.

"Babe, you would not mind me ta
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