48. Not Just The Errand Boy.

"That there, is my wife, you fucking dogs," Gavin said, preparing to transfer all the anger that he had amassed in himself, to the security men whom he had grown to dislike so passionately within moments of meeting them.

"Will you shut up?" One of the security men clapped back at him. "I think we might have mistaken you. You are not an errand boy, but must be one of these mad stalkers who hide behind beautiful women."

"How can a woman as beautiful as that be married to a street urchin like you?" Another one asked. "We will not let you in if you don't give us good answers to our questions.

"What th—" Gavin paused in the middle of swearing, to look up at the sky, as though he was trying to peek for God up there, and ask Him to grant him patience in order to deal with the security men without resorting to violence and treacherous words.

"Look," he continued, "I am telling you that I am her husband."

"Well then, I am the president, and my partner over here came from the future where he g
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