49. Just Jealous Losers.

Meghan's hands were now littered with a few bags of clothes. She was done shopping and and was supposed to be moving to the counter to go pay for the things she had picked. She could not go because she had no money. She was filled with dread of what was going to happen since she knew exactly what was in his account, and was merely shopping out of faith, that perhaps a miracle might have happened, to have given her husband money to pay for everything.

She took a peek at the entrance and saw him, Gavin, still arguing with the security guards sprawled at the door, who had decided that it would be their job to cause more trouble for Gavin that evening.

She did not want to interfere, as she believed it would just cause more mockery to herself and an unnecessary attention from everybody else around her.

"Dear lord, have mercy," Meghan whispered a prayer, even though she was not in particular, a very religious type. She wished she was with a rosary that she could hold and count with her han
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