50. Shame You For You.

"It does not change anything," one of the security guards said. "We are still not going to let him in."

"Look at him," another one said. "It is already obvious that he does not deserve such a woman in his life. I could even see it in her eyes when she got in, that she is tired of him."

Gavin was surprised, shocked, and angry at the same time. "Look at me," he said to the men. "Do you people know even the tiniest bit about me? Why this much disgrace from mere security guards like you?"

"You are the disgrace here, Mr. Who ever the fuck you are," one of the security guards clapped back at him. "How and why are you tying down a woman as that when you know you are not capable enough to take care of her? Are you not supposed to be ashamed of yourself? If you don't, then you need us to shame you for you. Bastard."

Sophie laughed, cackling in awfully mocking manner that sent chills down Gavin's spine. "Look at you," she said to him. "This is where you belong. The security guards are smarter
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