6. The Bank!

"Are you serious about that?" Katherine asked excitedly. The thought of having James Nenma as her son in-law was overwhelming. She immediately began to paint the future of the Stallions having two wealthy son in-laws.

"Mom, will you please stop this?" Meghan managed to speak up. 

Gavin clenched his fists and turned to Meghan, "I'm sorry Meghan that I have to be a laughing stock and to bring you so much embarrassment."

"Whatever," Sophie scoffed.

"I'll be leaving now. I promise to do everything in my power to get our house back. I'll resolve this. I promise you that." Gavin assured her.

Gavin left the Stallions apartment that evening feeling so stupid for following Meghan down to her parents place. He blamed himself for hoping that the Stallions would help him with his debt when he knew very well how much they despised him.

As he walked through the city streets that evening, his thoughts were clouded with the promise he had made to his father. He came to a small inn where he could spend the night. He had just ten dollars with him which fortunately for him was able to pay for a room in the inn for one night.


The morning sun had barely risen when Gavin woke up. The twenty four hours ultimatum the bank had given to him had ended and the mansion likely lost forever. He stared at the mirror in the room and all he could see from his reflection was a total failure, one who couldn't keep a simple promise he had made made to his dying father.

He got dressed and left for Morano City Bank. His intention for going to bank that morning was to plead to meet with the bank manager for more time to pay up the loan he had taken from them.

At the entrance of the bank, the security guards denied him access to go in, "You can't go in," one of them said as she stood in his way.

"Please, I really need to speak with the bank manager," Gavin begged but the security guards wouldn't let him.

Seeing that Gavin wasn't ready to listen to them, one of the men put a call through to the bank manager who came out to see Gavin still proving stubborn.

"Let him be," the bank manager ordered. He was a stern looking man with no smile on his face.

"What can we do for you?" He asked turning to Gavin.

Gavin swallowed his pride and fell on his knees. "Please sir, don't take away my family's ancestral mansion. It's the only inheritance I have left from my late father. Please give me more time and I'll pay up the loan." Gavin begged.

The bank manager scoffed, "Excuse me sir, but that's not my problem. The loan term had long elapsed and we've given you enough time."

"I promise to pay back. Just give me some more time," Gavin pleaded desperately.

"If you have nothing else to say, you may leave now. This is a bank and not a beggar's ground. Security, please take him out. And don't ever let him in again. Have I made myself clear?" The manager ordered.

The security guards came to him and pulled him up dragging him out of the bank environment. 

"Please..." Gavin cried but the security guards threw him out embarrassing him in the presence of other customers who had come to the bank that morning.

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