7. Love Don't Pay Bills!

As the sun hid behind the clouds that same evening, it dawned upon Gavin that he had no where to stay for the night. His stomach had been crying all day but his pocket had denied him of attending to it's cry. He remembered he had used the last ten dollars on him the previous night to get a place at the inn. Left with no option, he made the tough decision to return to his in-laws and to beg if they'd allow him to sleep at their security/servant quarters.

The thought of walking almost ten kilometres to his in-laws place didn't bother him too much provided he could just get a place to lay his head for the night. The streets of Domingo were their usual that evening - perfect for couples to go out and have fun. Every restaurant he walked past was occupied with beautiful and lovely couples enjoying the evening together. He thought of Meghan wondering how she was faring. He had not heard from her since he left her at her parents place the previous day.

Walking past one of the most expensive restaurants in Domingo, his eyes caught sight of Meghan with a gentleman having dinner. Even if he was standing outside, and could only see through the window, he knew it was his wife. He rubbed his eyes very well just to be sure he wasn't mistaken someone else for his wife but it turned out it was actually Meghan having dinner with James Nenma.

"This can't be happening," he whispered to himself making his way to the entrance of the restaurant but the security guards held him back.

"Where are you going to?" One of the security guards asked, seeing him trying to march into the restaurant like one who was about fighting a customer. But Gavin wasn't ready to let them stop him from fighting his way through.

Meghan's surprise was palpable as she saw him marching towards herself and James.

"Gavin, what are you doing here?" Meghan inquired. 

"How could you do this to me, Meghan?" Gavin asked angrily.

"What do you mean?" Meghan retorted.

"It's not even up to twenty four hours I left and you're already seeing someone else," Gavin accused her.

"Excuse me, Gavin. What are you saying? That I'm cheating on you?"

"What do you want me to think? This is the same man that mocked me and made me look like a fool before your parents and you're here laughing and flirting with him." Gavin said turning to face James.

"I beg your pardon," James came in.

"Granted!" Gavin exclaimed. "Aren't you ashamed? You're trying to steal someone else's wife. I thought you had so much money go buy whatever you want. I guess money can't buy love after all," Gavin laughed.

"What's your problem, Gavin? Why cause a scene like this, and where did you get the ridiculous notion that I'm cheating on you?" Meghan snapped, her frustration evident. "I agreed to eat out with James because my parents requested it," Meghan clarified, exasperatingly.

Meghan regretted revealing that right in front of James, but she had no choice. It was the only way to dispel Gavin's suspicions and make him see that there was nothing untoward happening between her and James.

Gavin's cheeks burned with embarrassment as he registered the disappointment in Meghan's eyes. He knew he had acted impulsively and immaturely.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, his apology barely audible.

"Come with me, we need to talk," Meghan said, pulling him by the hand and dragging him outside.

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