In nineteen seventy-eight I was five. There was a teacher there who seemed to take a disliking to me. Her name was Mrs Clark. I thought teachers were supposed to help and be nice. She was supposed to teach. What she taught the others was hate and bullying. She encourages them to laugh at me and to say mean things. It left me without a friend for six years. No one ever came to a birthday party after they had been invited and accepted. I only made that mistake once. My hopes were so high and I was knocked down so low. 

One day my mind was made up I would start to fight back. I didn't do things openly or tell anyone what I was doing I planed and waited for my time. One day the cunt Mrs Clark went into the cupboard at the back of the class. The dumb bitch left her keys in the door. I simply walked over closed the door and locked it. I then went to the classroom door and locked it before anyone noticed her banging and shouting. While everyone was distracted I walked over to th

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