Author: Simon 1982
last update2021-04-10 02:26:28

The whole scenario was surreal. I was fascinated by death and thought I wanted to kill someone. My opportunity was there his neck was in my arm. It would have been so easy to keep squeezing and squeezing until the life was drained from that shitty excuse for a human being. Would anyone care or be bothered if that cunt never stole another breath of our precious air. My mind was all jumble and I was scared. The night was passing by and the sun was coming up. An obnoxious sound came from the alarm clock upstairs in my bedroom angrily I went up and turned it off. What gives that little fucking box the right to be so irritating? Fucking beep beep beep. 

"Give me a fucking break!"

I didn't mean to shout the words but I did. Apparently, I was very loud. My neighbour felt the need to bang on my wall and shout the time and day at me.

"It's six in the fucking morning on a Sunday keep it fucking down. If I have to come around there and shut you up I will."

"Fuck you."

I didn't mean to shout back but I wasn't feeling myself. I might have constant thoughts of violence but I have only ever had a few fights. The fights hadn't been bad I won some and lost some but never my fault. This was starting to look like a time when it might be. My alarm clock now silenced along with my neighbour I was feeling calmer. I went to the kitchen and fixed some breakfast. Just as I was adding milk to my serial there was a knock on my door. This was unusual for two reasons. One I never get guests and two it's just after six on a Sunday morning. Looking through the frosted glass of my front door it was possible to make out the shadow of a man mountain.  His frame was huge this was not looking good for me. Do I open the door or just pretend im not in? My question was answered for me.

"Open up fuck whit."

Oh, it's my friend from next door. I recognise the eloquent way he speaks I'm smart like that sometimes. This possibly wasn't my best move but I wasn't feeling myself. I put on the voice of an old lady. 

"Just a minute dear I'm just getting my keys."

"What's with the voice?  hurry up. I want to be asleep."

"Won't be long now."

I then stood behind the door rattling a bunch of keys. I didn't know exactly why I found it so necessary to wind him up? I just couldn't stop myself.

"Nearly got it dear."

I slide the key into the pounding door curious to find out what was going to happen next. Now I had it unlocked but do I swing the door open or nice and easy peeking through a crack? I made up my mind and fling the door open. This was probably a bad idea but you live and learn. The neighbour that I had barely seen before stood there red-faced and just short of a foot taller than me. A first the size of a concrete block hit me straight in the jaw.

It was just coming up to seven when I managed to focus on my watch. At least I had had some sleep but my head was pounding. At least the big galoot had closed the door when he left me laid out on the stairs. It's been a long time since someone has knocked me out but it's not the first time and probably won't be the last. My first port of call is the bathroom I have painkillers in there and I need a pee bad. Opening the bathroom cabinet I saw my reflection in the mirrored door. There were dark brown blood smears on my face from my nose and mouth spread up my cheek and running down my neck. These things can be cleaned up but the swelling and bruising around my jaw and two black eyes are going to be tricky to explain away. It's not likely that people care but it is rude not to ask when you see someone in my state. I pop a couple of pills and have a piss.

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  • 100

    100It dawned on me that I hadn’t worked out how I was going to handle life with Adam on my own. The thought had never come to me that I would have to do e everything with him and for him.I hadn’t told the guys who were setting up our new lives Lou wasn’t going to be coming now. I wonder if I’m too late. It probably won’t matter that much. They will find out when they come for me tomorrow. Being alone means I don’t have a lot of loose ends to tie up. I should let work know I won’t be back in.Adam was still sleeping after our late night. Poor little fella. He won’t understand why mummy isn’t around anymore. He will be ok though he will adapt. His life with me will be good. I don’t think I will kill anyone for a while now. It is too much of a risk and I have too much at stake.There was a loud banging at my back door. Not a knock but an insistent banging. No one used my back door. So who could th

  • 99

    99When Lou was dead. It didn’t take long and I hope it was an easy passing I wrapped her in plastic. Then rolled her into her grave. Unlike most of my other victims, I didn’t take off hands or remove her teeth. At some point in the future, the police will get an anonymous tip on where to find her. She deserved a proper send-off.Being in the woods at night is an unpleasant experience. Every sound made by send-off or the wind blowing through the trees made me tense. Most people would think that a monster lay in wait or a serial killer was after them. Not me I envision blue lights and sirens.The first few shovels full of dirt landed on the plastic making a disturbing noise. Grit and pebbles rolling on the sheet. Another few and the sound was muffled. Then after it was dirt on dirt.Back in my car Adam was snoozing away. So blissfully unaware of the tragedy that had happened. That is not a conversation I’m in a rush to have. At least he i

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    98Reaching across a car with a rag to cover someone’s mouth and nose is hard. It’s made even harder when you feel like shit. My guts were still churning but Lou had cottoned on to my plan. It was inevitable. I just wish I could have trusted her. She could have had a good life and maybe I would have stopped killing.Lou tried to put up a fight but I was too quick and strong for her. Somehow Adam stayed asleep through the brief shuffle. Small victories have to be taken when you can.Now the effects of chloroform don’t last long just a few minutes. So instead of just driving off hopping to get to her grave before she came too again I cable tied her hands and legs together. There was no need for a gag. When she comes round I will have questions for her to answer.We drove in silence on the road for about half a mile then turned right onto a dirt track. The track was muddy and only just wide enough for my car. Branches and bushes scrapped at

  • 97

    97We had ordered our takeaway and was just finishing eating. I hadn’t told Lou that we were going to move the body tonight yet. If I’m being honest which is unusually for me these days. I not looking forward to telling her. It will come as a shock I think. At the end of the day who wants to dig up a body that has been rotting in the ground for over a year.The more I think about the body the more I think moving it is a bad idea. In fact it is a bad idea. Yes I could have left clues there but I’m going to disappear like smoke in the wind after tomorrow. I’m not going to move him. He can rest in peace for a little while longer.Then another thought hits me. What if Lou has told Wayne about it. If she has then he could have told the police and I could be walking into, a trap. Shit. Have the police been watching my movements? Have they seen me go back to the scene of a crime and I’m oblivious to it? My palms start to swea

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