Chapter five

Oliver instructed Jamie to wait for him in his mansion with further news regarding his father's assassination. Meanwhile, he and Geena took a stroll to a jewelry shop.

He realized that he had not gotten Geena a present yet since they started going out and Oliver wanted to correct that.

When they stepped inside, Oliver looked around, trying to see what would fit Geena best.

"Oliver, you really don't have to get me anything. I'm fine. You've already given me a promotion at work. That is enough for me," Geena said meekly, and Oliver smiled.

"Your kind is rare, Geena. I must reward you for being a good person. Besides, when we get married, you'll have a company of your own!" Oliver said to her, still looking around. Geena was shocked.

"You want to marry me?" She asked him. Oliver took her hand and kissed it.

"Geena. Since I set my eyes on you, I knew that you would become my wife. When the time is right, I'll ask you to marry me. But for now, just enjoy what I'll buy for you," he told her and she blushed,

Then, Oliver saw a necklace that was alone on the counter. It had so many precious stones. He looked at Geena whose attention was drawn to the necklace as well.

"Do you like it?" He asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

"It would be too expensive," she muttered. Oliver scoffed and reached out to touch the glass counter, but suddenly, someone grabbed his hand.

"What are you trying to do? Are you trying to steal the necklace?" A lady yelled at him. 

"What do you mean? I only attempted to touch the glass, not the necklace," Oliver responded to her with anger.

"You're a thief, aren't you? Did you think that no one was watching? Well, newsflash, we are!" She screamed again, and she was gaining the attention of other people in the shop.

"I want to buy that necklace," Oliver responded to her but the lady laughed.

"You don't seem to understand what's going on here. This necklace was worn by royalty five hundred years ago. Its current worth is estimated to be seven billion dollars. Even if you are a CEO, you cannot spare that much!" She snapped at Oliver.

"Oliver, let's just go," Geena muttered but Oliver wasn't backing down.

He reached into his pocket and took out a black card. The card had the symbol of an eagle on it. Oliver gave the card to the lady and frowned.

"Make the transaction," he said to her.

The lady's eyes widened as she gazed at the card. It was issued by the World Bank. There were only four of them in existence and those that carried them were so rich that a figure couldn't be placed on their wealth.

She gazed at Oliver again. Was he one of the "Big Four?"

The lady placed the card in the machine, and she barely even did the transaction before the amount was debited quickly. She swallowed hard in shock as Oliver casually took his card back.

"I-I am sorry sir. Please don't tell my boss. He'll fire me," she begged Oliver. 

Oliver spared her no response. He placed the necklace on Geena's neck and smiled as it was a perfect fit.

"Thank you, Oliver. I love you so much," Geena said to Oliver and he kissed her. Then, his phone vibrated. It was Jamie!

Oliver and Geena returned to the mansion and met Jamie there, panic written on his face. As soon as he saw Oliver, he exhaled.

"Young master, I have proven my claim. Your former father-in-law indeed betrayed and had your father assassinated," Jamie said and gave Oliver a photograph.

Oliver saw his father with Tim, and a third man known as the mafia, in a photograph together. They seemed like business partners.

Then, Jamie handed him a letter by Tim to the Mafia, threatening to reveal that he and the Mafia worked together to kill Oliver's father, should the mafia ever try to betray him.

"Where is the Mafia now?" Oliver asked Jamie with a frown.

"No one knows where he is young master," Jamie replied.

Oliver nodded. He couldn't believe that the sources of his greatest sorrows were traced back to the same people. Fate was cruel. But he would teach them a lesson they'll never forget!

"Summon the Vipers!" Oliver said to Jamie. 

The Vipers were an elite bodyguard squad that Oliver formed years back. They were so powerful that not even the police could outshine them. They consisted of soldiers who had been wronged by the state and wanted a better life than what the Government had offered to them.

"I've already done so, young master. The Vipers are on their way as we speak," Jamie replied. Oliver nodded. The battle line had been drawn.

Meanwhile, standing outside the mansion was a hooded man making a phone call. His eyes were fixed on Oliver's house as the phone rang.

"Yes?" A voice said from the other side.

"I've found the mansion, Mr Dominick. What do you want me to do?" The hooded man asked Dominick Torino.

"Infiltrate and plant a bomb in Oliver Blaze's car. I want him dead!" Dominick replied with venom in his voice.

"And my payment?" The hooded man asked.

"You'll get your fucking money when you've done your job!" Dominick said and hung up. 

The hooded man scoffed and focused his gaze on the mansion again, thinking of ways to carry out his assignment.

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