A collective gasp rippled through the room, leaving everyone, especially Oliver, in stunned disbelief.

“Invalid? It can’t be!” Oliver shouted, his voice tinged with panic.

Emily’s eyes gleamed with a mix of triumph and disdain. “Well, it seems that card is as worthless as your clothes and your standing in this school,” she snapped.

Oliver’s desperation grew as he tried to salvage the situation. “Try it again. Maybe it was just a network issue,” he pleaded, his voice cracking with urgency.

He was baffled. His mother had assured him the card was loaded with $10 billion—how could it be invalid? The exclusive card had been his last hope. “How could this happen?” Oliver stammered.

But when Emily tried the card once more, the same message flashed on the screen: Invalid.

Her anger flared. She glared at Oliver, her patience finally snapped. "Do you think this is some kind of joke?" she snapped, her voice shaking with rage. "You've wasted my time and everyone else’s! First, you bring outdated
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