

[You have completed Farming Quest No 5

Rewards have been given.

You have gained 100 System tokens.

You have gained 2 Stone golems.

You have gained 500 Exp.

You have level up by 1.

You are now level 6.

Exp to next level. 470/750.

You have gain 20 system tokens.]

Two golems appeared in a puff of smokes. Unlike the Iron golems, these two were the size of human and looked like the mannequins. They didn't had eyes nor a gem in their chest. They were also blue in colour and were still as statues.

"Kneel and bow down to me," Alec commanded. The two of them kneel on the ground in a seiza.

[Stone Worker Golem

Grade: S

Rank: A

Strength: E. Endurance: S. Dexterity: C Mana: C

Intelligence: F Potential: E

An Iron Golem made by a great Alchemist and Powerful Mage, Lord Braham Tyrzer. It is power by mana. It can also be power by Mana stone. It has programme to do labor. However, it cannot fight not do complicated works.

Mana power: 15000 days.]

"Workers," Alex shouted in joy,"Thank you, Almighty system."

With the Workers, his work got easier. He put the two in charge of making the road. He bought them two pickaxes and told them what to do.

The two rushed off to do the work.


[Rapid Grow]

The crops grew in a minute. With the help of the Worker golems, Alec harvested the plants, one by one. He had a large supply of foods but he had no place to keep them.


[Farming Quest No.6 initiated.

Task: Build warehouses.

Conditions: Must have enough space to store the foods.

Reward: 100 system tokens, 2 stone golems.

Penalty: -100 system tokens.

Time limit: 10 days.

Do you Accept the quest?


With the system token, Alec bought another worker Golem. With the help of the Golem, he started building the warehouse.The first house took two days as he had to show the golems how to do it.

He made the framework, split the bamboo for flooring and wall, made bamboo ropes and thatch of Alfafa grass.

After that, it went smoothly. The Golems were hard workers who didn't sleep,eat or tired. While the golems got on working with the houses, he started making boxes out of bamboo to store the goods.

On the seventh day, the golems had made eight houses and Alec also completed making the boxes, a whooping twelve boxes.

Alec stored the carrots, potatoes and sweet potatoes in storage 1, tomato, garlic, onion and bellpepper in storage 2, Watermelons, pumpkin and cabbage in storage 3, Banana and orange in storage 4 and Corns in Storage 5. As for the fermenting fruits, he stored them in storage 6 and the meats in storage 7. Storage 8 was for his tools.

He also made a simple latrine.

After that, he fitted one of the last house, which he built with a bed made of bamboo and laid with the boar hide and an open earthen fireplace in the middle.


[You have completed Farming Quest No 6.

Rewards have been given.

You have gained 100 System tokens.

You have gained 2 stone golem.

You have gained 750 Exp.

You have level up by 1.

You are now level 7.

Exp to next level. 470/1000.

You have gain 20 system tokens.]


[Companion [Duke] has kill a Bloodwolf Alpha.

Companion [Duke] had become a Alpha.

The Pack's intelligence had grown by 1]

"Seems he had become the Alpha now," Alec said, eating the roasted pumpkin.


"Finally," Said Alec, heaving a sigh of relief. With the combine work of the five stone golems and the giant Iron Golem, they had managed to make a path to the ground from the farmland after three days.

The road was one hundred metre long and four metre wide built sloping. Now he could domesticated the Gaurus except that the Gaurus had left the grassland.

"What a blunder," Alec sigh.

"Mooo..." A loud moo came from the North. Alec heart throb. He rush to the area. He found a cave in the tableland. The noise came from there.


A large Gaurus was in there. It had a swollen left leg. Apparently it had been bitten by a poisonous creature and because of its condition was left behind by the herd. It was feeding on a patch of moss inside the cave and was thin and weak. Alec casted [Insight] to see its status.

[ Gaurus Female

Specie: Gaurus

Beast type: Normal beast

Sex: Female

Age: 6

Rank: D

Attack Skills: Ram, Kick, Gorge.

Status: Pregnant, sick.

Gaurus are a specie of the wild cattle family. They are one of the most powerful specie in the cattle family. They travel in large group and are very aggressive towards predators. When in group, the danger rank can rise upto A or even S.

Domestication level is D]


The usual magic circle appeared under her and blue light glow for a few seconds.

[You have placate a guarus cow.

Affinity had increased by 50.

Creatures had become docile]

The creature didn't act aggressive towards him but still moo in pain. Alec reach out and casted [Heal] on her. The swollen leg heal to normal. The Cow stood up on its hooves and tried moving around. When no pain came, it lick Alec on the face and moo happily.

"I will call you Daisy," Said Alec, patting the cow,

"You are a beautiful specimen, Daisy."

It didn't take long for him and the golems to goad Daisy to climb the road into the farmland. Daisy quickly bonded with the Ardmoor Goats and happily graze in the pasture, feeding on the Alfafas voraciously under the watchful eye of the Guardian Golem.

Alec commanded two worker golems to make a shed for the animal and they did while he and the other golems started on working to make a gate and fence.


[Name: Alekkar Hemir

Race: Human

Rank: G

Level 7


Class: Commoner(Peasant).

Job: Farmer(Beginner).


Strength: F. Endurance: F. Dexterity: F Mana: G

Intelligence: B. Mentality: D. Potential: S

Skill:Grow(Max), Insight(Lvl 1), Heal(Lvl.1), Domesticate(Max), Rapid Grow(Lvl 3), Bond(Lvl 1).

Title: Angel of Klieva, Avatar of the System.

Status: Confused]

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