
Alec released the Ardmoor Goats into the Bamboo pasture and sent the Iron Golem to watch over the Bamboo pasture. The Goats were delighted to lived in such a green place and frolic among the Alfafa fields, jumping up and down.


[Skill: Domesticate had level by 1.

Grow had reach maximum level.

Additional additional buff.]

[Domesticate(Max): Can Domesticate.Currently difficulty rank G-B can be Domesticated. Domestication chance 80%(F),60%(E),50%(D),40%(C) and 30%(B).

Domesticate simply placate the animal and makes them more docile and less wild. It remains to the user to fully tame them.

Comes with an Encyclopedia.

Cooldown: 10 creatures in 2 days.

Creatures placated: 2/10



[Grow had reach Maximum level.

Related Skill created.

Bond (Lvl 1) has been created.]

[Bond(Lvl 1)

Allows to bond with animals to make companion.

Increase magic by 1.

Number of companion:0/3.

Active Skill]


[Skill: Rapid Grow has level up by 1.]

[Rapid growth (Lvl 2)

Grows a plant into full maturity within a minute.

However, the plant will not grow if the fertility is not to their requirements.

Effected area: 3 acre or 1500 plants.

Cooldown: 5 uses in 30 days.



[Farming Quest No.5 created.

Task: Make a Companion.

Condition: Must be a Omnivore or Carnivore and a mammal.

Reward: 100 system points, 2 stone Golem.]

"Where do I find one," Alec cried out.


Alec couldn't be more happier when he saw what the Golem caught the next day. It was a weak looking wolf but larger than one. Its fur were red and had a dark red Mane.

[Bloodwolf Male

Specie: Wolf

Beast type: Magibeast

Sex: Male

Age: 8

Rank: F

HP: 100/2000


Intelligence: E. Strength : F(D). Magic: E

Endurance: G(D). Dexterity:E(C). Potential: S

Attack Skills: Bite, Clawing, Blood drain.

Status: Starving, Extremely weakened.

A Bloodwolf who has been exiled by the pack. Bloodwolf are wild dogs. They lived in packs and are highly intelligent. They can regenerate by drinking bloody.

Domestication level is C.

Affinity is -20. Needs 20 Affinity to bond.]

It was lying on the ground. It was breathing heavily and look wounded. Its body had no muscles and look skeletal.

The Bloodhound growl as he approach the pit. It couldn't even stand up. There was a maddening look in its eyes.

It was a creature he needed to bond. He rush back to his tent and brought the containers of blood and a large piece of Pork meat.

"Here," Said Alex, taking out a piece of Pork meat corpse and threw it to the bloodhound.

The bloodwolf sniff it and wolfed down on it, biting it savagely. In a few minute, the piece of meat was gone.


[Domestication level had increased to D.

Affinity had risen by 5.]

The Bloodhound look at him expectantly. A grin came to Alec. He brought out a container and emptied it. The bloodwolf It wolfed it down again.


[Domestication Level had increased to E.

Affinity had risen by 10.]


[Affinity had risen by 20]

After downing the blood, the bloodhound look more healthier. Some of its muscles had returned and it was no longer starving.



[You have placate a male bloodhound.

You have domesticated a male bloodhound.

Affinity had risen by 30]

Alec jumped down and slowly approach the bloodhound. It didn't growl at him. He put his hand on its Mane.



[You have bonded with a male bloodhound.

Intelligence of the creature had risen by 2.

The Bloodhound is evolving.

All stats will rise by 1]

The bloodhound glow red. It began to grow larger and stronger. In a minute, it had grew to the size of a male lion. Its fur was deep red and a black Mane grew out.

[Great Bloodhound Male

Specie: Bloodhound Variant

Beast type: Magibeast

Sex: Male

Age: 8

Rank: B


HP: 5000/5000


Intelligence: C. Strength : C. Magic: D

Endurance: C. Dexterity:B. Potential: S

Attack Skills: Bite, Clawing, Blood drain, Roar.

Status: Starving, Extremely weakened.

A Bloodhound who has been exiled by the pack. Bloodhound are wild dogs. They lived in packs and are highly intelligent. They can regenerate by drinking bloody.

Evolution at level 50.]

"Master, thank you for saving me." Said a loud and booming voice inside Alec's head."I will serve you with my life."

"What in the toodalo,'' Alec gasp. It came from the BloodWolf."You can talk."

"I can, Master," Said the bloodhound,"Although this is my first time with a human."

"This is unexpected." Said Alec."My name is Alekkar Hemir. What's yours?"

"Name? What's that?" Asked the Bloodhound.

''A name is what you call to a person." Alec explain poorly.

"Then shouldn't your name be human." Said the bloodhound." And mine should be Bloodhound."

"No, those are the name of a specie." Alec explain.

"A name is given to an Individual. It is his identity."

"So your so called ide-titty is Alekkar Se-nir, Master," Said the Bloodhound,"Its better than human."

"You don't have a name, do you?" Asked Alec.

"Then I shall call you Duke."

"Duke. That's a good titty," Said the Bloodhound in a solemn voice. The next moment, he started to howl.

"Titty." Alec guffaw.

"Forgive me, Master," Said Duke, standing up. He look majestic and beautiful while doing that."Will you let me go for some few days. I have a unfinished work to do. I will return soon."

"What." Alec cried out. He was glad to have found another soul to speak with after weeks of solitude and he wanted to leave him."Why."

"To take my rightful place as the Alpha of my pack." Said Duke."I was weak before but I am no longer weak. My body coursed with strength. I beg you to let me."

"Alright," Said Alec," I will let you go."

"I will obey,Master.'' Said Duke, giving a bow." Thank you."

He leap out of the pit and bounded off.


New and upgrade skills:

[Domesticate(Max): Can Domesticate.Currently difficulty rank G-B can be Domesticated. Domestication chance 80%(F),60%(E),50%(D),40%(C) and 30%(B).

Domesticate simply placate the animal and makes them more docile and less wild. It remains to the user to fully tame them.

Comes with an Encyclopedia.

Cooldown: 10 creatures in 2 days.

Creatures placated: 2/10


[Bond(Lvl 1)

Allows to bond with animals to make companion.

Increase magic by 1.

Number of companion:0/3.

Active Skill]

[Rapid growth (Lvl 2)

Grows a plant into full maturity within a minute.

However, the plant will not grow if the fertility is not to their requirements.

Effected area: 3 acre or 1500 plants.

Cooldown: 5 uses in 30 days.


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