The Chosen One Returns: Dark Days

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The Chosen One Returns: Dark Days

By: Inkspill Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 18 views: 86

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After Jack helped his wife become one of the most popular female CEOs with his skills and discoveries, he was later betrayed by her and his friend. He was sent away, thinking that was his end. Just then, a convoy of cars parked in front of him. 'The chosen one, The world needs you, you have to return!' Beware, he is the chosen one and the son of the second wealthiest man in the city. He took over his father's company and, at the same time, was exposed to the darker side of the world.

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  • Dream Raptor


    A new masterpiece is here. can't wait for more chapters

    2024-06-27 22:51:33
  • Inkspill


    It's I your author, welcome and ready to delve into the outwardly realm, please leave your reviews, either good or bad, you are always welcome

    2024-06-21 19:05:44
Latest Chapter
18 chapters
chapter 1 (the divorce)
Prologue:. In the early 1700s, New York City was a dangerous place. Monsters and demons roamed the streets, hurting people and causing chaos. A group of brave warriors, with Cultivators, fought back against the evil forces. Led by the Chosen One, A special one that has all categories of superpowers. They battled fiercely and finally defeated the dark forces, making them powerless. The defeated dark forces retreated to a dark realm, where they planned their return. According to the Chosen One's prophecy, whenever the dark forces attacked again, a new hero would be born to stop them. This prophesied hero will be the only one who would save humanity from the dark forces' evil plans. Fast-forward 314 years later, and the dark loomed near. The hidden prophecized hero must return!. Chapter 1 Finally, finally, he discovered it. The research is complete, the cure all the world has been looking for. All the world. Cure for the last stage of a cancer. Cheers erupted in the laboratory off
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chapter 2 (the betrayal)
Jack couldn't even talk, he kept stammering, unable to believe this, The Emily he knew couldn't do this. "Emily , please… reconsider, I can really be useful more than you think, I have nowhere to go if you send me out, I…I ..", he trialed, so emotional to talk. "Listen to yourself, you have nowhere to go, you as a man, you shouldn't be saying that, you know?", Emily stated, folding her arms. "Emily… why doing this, I love you, we love each other, you even proposed to me". Emily raised his hand and dissmively said, "That was then, I was blind with love and not what you can give… you are lifeless, I don't want you anymore in my life, I don't need love again, I want potential and a standard person that will life me high!". "I don't choose this life for myself, yes… I am an orphan, and instead of living my life, I use it to carry you up", jack pointed out. Emily frowned her face hearing this and gazed at him, "What, you help me up". "Emily, you pushed me to say this, I have
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chapter 3 (the chosen one)
Jack gulped down, controlling the upcoming tears, he sniffed and looked up to the evening sky, he lived as an orphan through his childhood, and just a tool in his adult life. Now he was being betrayed and thrown away like a piece of tissue. "Maybe I shouldn't have come into this life after all, I should just end it all and", he uttered and walked away, like. Zombie, carrying his steps like he was hiking. He decided to commit suicide by jumping into a running car. He headed to the highway. He absentmindedly walked towards it with the intention to run into a car, when a vehicle suddenly screeched in front of him. The car that screeched to a halt in front of Kyle was a sleek, black luxury sedan, its chrome wheels glinting in the evening light. A convoy of equally impressive vehicles came to a stop behind it, forming a barricade that blocked the highway. Men in black suits emerged from the cars, their eyes fixed on Kyle with politeness and respect. They bowed their heads in unison,
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chapter 4 new found wealth
Jack scanned between the two strangers before him, he didn't know what to address them, he finally uttered "Dad? Mom?", which sounds so strange, he never calls someone that. A drop of tears fell from his eyes as they embraced him slowly, and hugged him. It felt like a dream,.but it's true. He couldn't believe all this while he had parents. They were in the hug position for some minutes, before finally releasing him. Jack sniffled, staring at them. "son,... You should know me, I'm doctor Green", His father introduced. "Mr. Green...?" Jack stammered, his mind racing with questions. "Mr. Green who invented the stroke medicine and so many other life-saving drugs?" His father smiled, his eyes shining with pride. "The very same, son. And your mother, Dr. Maria Green, is a renowned scientist in her own right. We've been searching for you everywhere, and we've finally found you!". Jack didn't even know what to say. He found his voice and muttered, "But why?, Why do yo
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chapter 5 the dream car
In a sleek, black limousine, Jack sat comfortably in the plush leather seat behind Lena, who was driving. Jack gazed out the window with a contented smile, taking in the view of towering skyscrapers and bustling streets below. Then, his eyes caught the cafeteria store where he usually came to ease himself from the stress of work.The lady in the store usually said that he had a superpower because she occasionally simply forgot to make a hot coffee instead of cold. She always said she made it cold, that she was very sure, but she always gave him hot coffee! So, she concluded he had a superpower turning the coffee hot!.Remembering that made him chuckle. The salesgirl was very devoted and jovial, so he made up his mind to go meet her after he bought his dream car.Lena noticed him and inquired, "What's making you smile? Do you want anything? Just request it, and it will certainly be provided.""Mmm, not now… thanks.", Jack mumbled.After some minutes, they arrive at the biggest car gara
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chapter 6 The Black card
Jack searched his pockets for the black card but he couldn't find it. He was lost, frowning as the onlookers started laughing at him. Ms. Paulina burst into laughter, "Haha, you can't even afford a coffee, and you're here to buy a Ferrari? Oh, Jack, you're such a joke!, Why are you dreaming big! Is the divorce affecting your mental" Ma. Janet joined in, "Yes, it must be, you're dreaming of buying a $200 million car with money you don't have. You're such a pathetic liar, just because you want to impress!". The staff asked, "Please, do you really have a car to buy, and what are you looking for in your pocket, a card can't do a $200 million dollar transaction, you know that right?". Jack's face turned red with anger and embarrassment. " I have a black card that can do it!" Ms. Paulina mocked him, black card? that doesn't exist! Maybe in meganovel stories, this is real life, just wake up please, You're such a poor man, Jack. You can't even afford a decent shirt, and you're trying to
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chapter 7 Mr. Achveil
Jack excused Lena, ordered her to leave so he could enjoy his night, The first night as a multimillionaire!. He settled into his brand new Ferrari, feeling like a king. The sleek design and powerful engine roared to life as he started the car. He put it in gear and hit the open road, feeling the wind in his hair and the rush of adrenaline in his veins. He smiled and put on the radio and turned into a music station. "Yoo!". he sped down the highway, the city lights blurring together, Jack felt a sense of freedom he'd never experienced before. The excitement was too much, then, the unexpected happened as the speedometer climbed higher and higher, Jack was confused, as he tried to hit the brake, but he became stiff, he couldn't even raise his leg. He gazed up to see a pedestrian stepping into the crosswalk ahead. The car was going too fast and there was a hundred percent chance he would collide and make a fatal serious accident. But then, something inexplicable happened. The car c
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chapter 8 (jack the doctor)
"We have to save him, he is dying… from internal bleeding in the lung. I swear he won't survive two minutes, but if you allow me, I can save him", jack told them. The head doctor shouted at him, "you don't know anything, you said internal bleeding, how can you conclude that without a x-ray, you don't clearly know what you are doing, please move him away this instant, let wait for the ambulance to arrive". Jack exhaled loudly, "He will die if you move him a slight, he will die, you have only 2 minute left for him to survive". Mr. Achveil's body stopped gasing, and immediately went cold. The doctor checked on him and they could see he was barely breathing. The head of doctors knew if Mr. Achveil die, he will be the one to take the blame. He decided to push it to jack. "Will you take responsibility if anything happens to him?", He inquired. Jack nodded, "yeah, let's just go on with it already before it's too late", he said and moved to start. The bodyguard cocked the gun,
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chapter 9 (Sophia)
Jack's phone rang, and it was from Emily . Reluctantly, he picked it up. "Hello, I heard you hit my Ms. Paulina and even abused ma. Janet. Is that true?" she said with an authoritative voice. "No, I didn't hit them..." he was about to explain, but Emily cut him off. "Stop lying, I can't believe you can do that,, how could you? Just because I divorced, is that a reason you vent the anger on my Aunt and abuse my grandma?" she yelled, and Sophia could hear their conversation. "That isn't the case, Emily , it is..." She interrupted him again, "shut your mouth up. I can't believe you again. Anything that comes from your mouth is lies; you are a fake. I should know you are horrible" "You listened to your aunt, why not listen to me, then why are you calling". "Just as I said, I can't believe you… I realise you have nothing in your mouth except lies". "Okay, if that is what you want to believe," jack said. "You better come back and apologize to them," Emily prompted. Jack scoffe
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chapter 10 : Jack Qi awaken
Sophia arrived at the Achveil hospital, one of the subsidiaries of Achveil groups, they all bowed for her as she entered. Curious Jack followed her, he wanted to know what Poison could make him foam. Jeremy and Lydia rushed towards them as they saw them coming. Lydia's eyes were soaked with tears. "How is father". Sophia didn't stop walking as she asked. "The doctor said there is no hope for him, the poison has spread through his vein… he was only barely alive due to his treatment", Jeremy stated, referring to jack. They arrived at the ward, and entered. Mr. Achveil laid on the bed with many holes passing through him. Sophia sniffled as she walked towards him. Jack followed closely behind. Mr. Achveil's face was white and his lips had turned purple. Sophia's eyes were immediately soaked with tears. Jack had a good look of Mr. Achveil, he had never seen something like this during all his life as a doctor. Then, in a sudden, he could feel a surge inside him. {Chosen one~
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