chapter 10 : Jack Qi awaken

Sophia arrived at the Achveil hospital, one of the subsidiaries of Achveil groups, they all bowed for her as she entered. Curious Jack followed her, he wanted to know what Poison could make him foam.

Jeremy and Lydia rushed towards them as they saw them coming. Lydia's eyes were soaked with tears.

"How is father". Sophia didn't stop walking as she asked.

"The doctor said there is no hope for him, the poison has spread through his vein… he was only barely alive due to his treatment", Jeremy stated, referring to jack.

They arrived at the ward, and entered. Mr. Achveil laid on the bed with many holes passing through him. Sophia sniffled as she walked towards him. Jack followed closely behind.

Mr. Achveil's face was white and his lips had turned purple. Sophia's eyes were immediately soaked with tears.

Jack had a good look of Mr. Achveil, he had never seen something like this during all his life as a doctor.

Then, in a sudden, he could feel a surge inside him.

{Chosen one~
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