chapter 11 Xander the Firelord

Sophia sat beside her sick dad, holding his hand. She knew sooner or later, her father would die—it was inevitable—but not now. He couldn't die now. Otherwise, the Achveil family would lose everything. He had to stay alive until the chosen one returned.

Then, Mr. Achivel groaned from his sickbed and said, "Sophia, marry the doctor."

Sophia was confused as she furrowed her brow and leaned closer. "I don't get you, marry who?"

"The doctor, the one who saved me just now! You know how deadly the poison is and he just cure it under a minute and he is also handsome, " Her father said weakly.

Sophia couldn't help but burst into laughter. "That's ridiculous! Me, the strongest woman, marry that coward? No, I'm destined to marry the chosen one! yeah, he is handsome, that is undeniable but I can't settle for less"

Her father tried to get up, but Sophia gently pushed him back down.

He gripped her hand tightly. "There is no damn chosen one. It was a lie the first chosen one made up to scare
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