chapter 12 (The man in black).
The sun peeked through the windows, waking up Jack in his royalty bedroom. He groaned as he sat up straight on the bed. He looked around to confirm if all what happened yesterday and his new found wealth was a dream, but it's certainly not!.

Then again, he recalled his encounter with Sophia, he wondered how a lady like her would just kill someone like it's nothing. She was actually the real Medusa!

"I should stay away from her", he uttered to himself. Then the door was knocked by Lena.

He told her to enter.

As Lena entered, Jack wrapped himself around the bedsheet, "so, what do you have early this morning".

Lena stretched out the stacks of papers in her hand to him, "you have to review this, this is the status of the current company, you are to learn about it sir".

Jack was confused, "why are you giving me this? Dad and mom should keep monitoring the company".

"Sir, Mr and Mrs Green are currently out of the country at the moment, for some crucial business meeting Which will tak

Hello readers!!!!. Hope you are enjoying it!, I spent my time in this book and it full of mind-blowing plots and scene. this is just the beginning. please, leave reviews. either bad or good, it's always welcome.

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