
Alec was crying as he tasted the roasted pork.

"So tasty," He said, tears of joy running down his cheeks," Thank you oh Ancestral spirits. Thank you Guardian of the land for the bounty. Thank you Almighty system."

It was unlike the bland lizard meat. It was fatty and filling. He ate like crazy.

"Would you like some," said he to the giant iron statue in front of him."Ah I forgot you cannot eat. Too bad."

It was the Golem given to him by the system. It was shaped like a Knight and about four metres tall. In its hand was a giant sword. Its eyes were made of red glowing stones. In its chest was a large gem the sized of an egg.

[Iron Guardian Golem

Grade: S

Rank: A

Strength: B. Endurance: S. Dexterity: E Mana: A

Intelligence: F Potential: E

Skill: Sword fight.

An Iron Golem made by a great Alchemist and Powerful Mage, Lord Braham Tyrzer. It is power by mana. It can also be power by Mana stone. It is made to look and fight like a Swordsman. However, it can do any task if taught properly and ordered.

Mana power: 200 days.]

It was manpower, a much needed one. Ten new items were added to the store.

[Seed stores

Bell pepper×50. 10 tokens

Sweet potatoes×50. 5 tokens

Onion×50. 5 tokens

Garlic×50. 5 tokens

Cabbage×50. 5 tokens]

[Tool store

Steel plough×1 10 tokens

Wooden Cart×1 10 tokens

Giant Earthworm×20 2 tokens

Golem×1. 100 to 2000 tokens

Steel Sickle.×1. 4 tokens]

It was selling Golems as well. But he had only 102 system tokens, which was enough to buy only one Golem and if he did that, it will put him in the red. He had to do with one Golem and that was enough.

Alec bought a Steel plough. It was a basic Steel plough with three plough-shaft and two wheels.

He chained the ropes to the Iron Golem and commanded him to walk slowly. Before noon, the whole southern acre was plowed.

He spread fresh dungs over the soil and introduced two hundred giant earthworms into the soil. At noon, he started his next project. Project Gaurus.

Project Gaurus was the mission to clear the 3rd Farming Quest and also domesticated the Gaurus. He had level the Domestication Skill to 3 and Grow to 2.

[Domesticate(Lvl 4): Can Domesticate.Currently difficulty rank G-D can be Domesticated. Domestication chance 60%(G),50%(F),40%(E),30%(D) and 20%(C).

Domesticate simply placate the animal and makes them more docile and less wild. It remains to the user to fully tame them.

Comes with an Encyclopedia.

Cooldown: 8 creatures in 3 days.

Creatures placated: 0/8


Active skill]

[Rapid growth (Lvl 2)

Grows a plant into full maturity within a minute.

However, the plant will not grow if the fertility is not to their requirements.

Effected area: 2 acre or 1000 plants.

Cooldown: 4 uses in 30 days.


The Gaurus were in the Western field. Through [Insight], Alec chose only the Pregnant females and a strong bull. He choose five Gaurus, four cows and a bull. Those five Gaurus were all away from the Main herd.

The difficult part was how to bring the guarus to the farm. There was only one pathway down and it was only big enough for him to climb up. It beg the question, how did the Wild boar came up?

"There must be a secret path," Alec thought. He check the Bamboo pasture. He found it on the western side. It was not a big path but was big enough for a wild boar to climb up. If it was widen, the problem can be solved. But he didn't had the tool to do that. He had no other choice but to keep his domesticated Gaurus with the herd.


"What's that," Alec said. It was a goat sound. It was coming from down the goatpath.

He went towards the sound. In a corner, two goats were in a predicament. It was a pair of male and female and the female was given birth.

[Ardmoor Goats

Specie: Ardmoor

Beast type: Magibeast

Sex: Female

Age: 3

Rank: D

Attack Skills: Ram, Kick, Gorge.

Status: Pregnant.

Ardmoor goats are wild goats endemic to Ardmoor. They are also known as Rainbow goats due to their fleece which comes in different colours. Their wools are resistant to fire and cold. Their milk are very healthy and used for medical purposes. A pair mate for life. They are highly intelligent and shy Creatures.

Domestication rank is D.]

The goats were of different colours. The male was golden and the female was blue. They were also very small. They both stood shorter than two feet and had wooly bodies. The He-goat immediately noticed him and jump between Alec and the She-Goat.

Not wasting his chance, Alec casted [Placate], the chant for the Domestication Skill. A magic circle appeared under the goats and glow green for some few seconds.


[You have placate two Ardmoor goats.

Affinity had increased by 50.

Creatures had become docile.

You have completed Farming Quest No.3

Rewards have been given.

You have gained two skill points.

You have gained fifty System tokens.

You have gained 100 EXP]

Alec rush to the She-Goat. The He-Goat didn't obstruct him. The She-Goat was in pain because of the kid stuck on her pelvic.

Alec gently pull out the kid. It was breathing heavily and seem weak.


A green light envelope the newborn kid. It began to steadily breath again and bleated loudly. Alec helped the She-Goat with the delivery and casted Heal on her as well. By the end of the day, She gave birth to six healthy kids which was a great achievement for a goat.

"I will call you Blu and you, Goldie." And so Alec named the two adult Ardmoor Goats, Blu for the Blue She-Goat and Goldie for the Golden He-Goat. He didn't had names for the kids because they were all white and had no distinctive features. And that's how he got his first livestock.


Upgraded Skills:

[Domesticate(Lvl 4): Can Domesticate.Currently difficulty rank G-D can be Domesticated. Domestication chance 60%(G),50%(F),40%(E),30%(D) and 20%(C).

Domesticate simply placate the animal and makes them more docile and less wild. It remains to the user to fully tame them.

Comes with an Encyclopedia.

Cooldown: 8 creatures in 3 days.

Creatures placated: 0/8


Active skill]

[Rapid growth (Lvl 2)

Grows a plant into full maturity within a minute.

However, the plant will not grow if the fertility is not to their requirements.

Effected area: 2 acre or 1000 plants.

Cooldown: 4 uses in 30 days.


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