Oasis: The Desert King
Oasis: The Desert King
Author: Zero
It all started with a System

The story began on the 7th of May,203×, When a part-timer of a Convenience store in a certain metropolis died, shot by a robber to the chest while trying to protect a fellow employee.

He was a person who kept a low profile and lived alone. He had neither friends nor family. His body was cremated in a crematorium and was attended by only his co-workers. The world was filled with tens of billions of human. His death was as insignificant event in this world. But this world is not the only world in existence.


It was cold and dark. He could neither see, hear or smell anything. He felt weightless and heavy at the same time. It was as if he was suffering from sleep paralysis except he was fully concious.


A ringing sound went out. It was a deafening noise. A voice came out. It sounded like an AI operator devoid of emotions and gender.

*System activated*

*Welcome to the World of Terra.*

*Host found*

*Name: Trent Sumir

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 36

Occupation: Medical Officer

Title: Angel of Klieva*

It was my personal information, even the one during my military service.


*Resetting Character sheet. *

*Generating Age: 18

Generating Rank: G

Generating Class: Commoner(Peasant)

Generating Occupation: Farmer

Generating Skills: Grow(Lvl.1), Farmer eyes(Lvl.1), Domesticate(Lvl.1).

Generating item: Basic Clothings, 1 iron dagger.

Generating Location: Leban Desert.

Generating Language: Letician language.

Generating Avatar of the host.

Avatar completed.

Transferring Soul.*

His conciousness faded.


Year 12067 A.R.U

A Strange crack appeared in the barren land of Ardmoor. It was a black oval dimensional crack. There was a surge of energy and someone came walking out, his eyes black and his face, emotionless.

He was a tall and young man of around eighteen or nineteen. He had black wavy dark hairs and a tanned olive skin. His body was scrawny and thin. He was wearing a black tracksuit with hood and black running boots.

The fissure closed and he closed his eyes. He stood still in there until dawn when he finally opened his eyes.

"Where the fuck am I?," He shouted out loud, surprise written all over his face. Was there a forest in Brooklyn?

Alekkar Hemir was his name and he was in the right to be shock. He was standing at the cliff of an eroded tableland in the midst of a desert.

No way can he be in such a place. No way such green existed in the metropolis.


*Welcome to the Kingdom of Armstead*

*Activating the host system.*

"That voice." He gasp. He remembered it. It was that voice he heard in that darkness. Suddenly a blue holographic screen appeared a foot away from his face.

[Welcome to the System Status

Activating tutorial Quest]


[Tutorial Quest No 1 Initiated

Task: Find a water source.

Condition: Water must be drinkable .

Difficulty: F

Reward: Skill: System store, 10 system token.

Penalty: Death

Time limit: 1 days.

Do you accept the quest?


Note: Tutorial quest cannot be declined.

Tutorial Quest Activated.

Time remaining:2 days 23 hrs 59 minutes 59 seconds.]

He stared at the screen. It was like in a virtual reality game. After the war ended, Virtual Reality game a became a thing. On his day off, Trent Sumit also used to visit the game bars to relax and play. The screen look just like in the game but it felt too different. All his senses were alive when was not so in games.As far as he Knew even the most advanced VR games had only the sense of sight and feeling. This felt too real.

"Did I reincarnate?" Said He, looking down at himself. He was in his normal tracksuit.

Before the war during his teenage years, he use to enjoy reading fictions on the net. Be even wanted to be a writer at that time. There was a popular troupe of fiction. Was it called Reincarnation with a system? Was it happening to me? There was only one way to check.

"Status." He shouted.

The blue screen appeared. It was written Avatar Status. There was also a 3D Image on the right. His jaw dropped. The Avatar was wrong. It was not him.... The him now. It was him during my college years and I was totally naked as well. He subconsciously touch my Avatar. It felt like touching a solid LED screen. The Avatar was a 3D version of himself from eighteen years ago.

Short dark hairs, lanky physique, brown eyes and that crooked nose. It was him alright.

He was wearing some sort of black hooded track shirt and track pant along with a black running sneaker.

[Name: Alekkar Hemir

Race: Human

Rank: G

Level 1


Class: Commoner(Peasant).

Job: Farmer(Beginner).


Strength: F. Endurance: F. Dexterity: F Mana: G

Intelligence: B. Mentality: D. Potential: S

Skill:Grow(Lvl.1), Insight(Lvl 1), Heal(Lvl.1), Domesticate(Lvl.1).

Title: Angel of Klieva, Avatar of the System.

Status: Confused]

[Skills: Needed to perform action. Can be earned through hard work or through quest. Skills are needed to perform actions related to the skill.

Grow: 10% chance of eliminating diseases in plants.

10% Reduction on growth time.

Active Skill

Heal: Can heal Small wounds and light sickness for 150 HP.

Cooldown: 10 minutes

Active Skill

Insight: Can be use to view others status screen. Currently can appraise only upto E rank.

Some features will be hidden.

Active Skill

Domesticate: Can Domesticate.Currently difficulty rank G-F can be Domesticated. Domestication chance 30%(G) and 20%(F).

Domesticate simply placate the animal and makes them more docile and less wild. It remains to the user to fully tame them.

Comes with an Encyclopedia.

Cooldown: 3 creatures in 1 week


Note: Skills are level by using them continuously or using skill point. Some skills has special criteria to level up.]

Is it real? Was he really in another world. Only one way to check....

"Insight," He said, looking at the shack. Several small screen pop up.

"Farmer," he look at my Occupation,"Did I just became a farmer."

That day his entire world turn around in both literal and metaphorical sense.


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