Making a reservoir

The Table land was atleast two acre. It was flat at the top. There were cactus and patches of grass on it along with some drying looking tree. However, the most surprising thing was that it had a spring. In the middle of the tableland, there was a large patch of wet soil and puddles of water were forming.


[You have found a source of water.

Tutorial Quest No.1 completed.

Rewards have been given.

System store activated.

You have gained 10 Exp.

You have level up by 1.

You are now level 2.

Exp to next level. 0/25.

You have gain 5 system points.

Do you want to access the system store?


"Yes," Said Alec,"[System Store]."


[Welcome to System store.]

A yellow screen came up. It was a simple screen. On the top left, there was the amount of system token Alec had which amounted to ten. On the main screen, there were two categories - Seeds and tools. On the bottom left, it shows the system store level which was Level 1. It says next level will be at Player level 5.

Alec tap tools. Several items came up. They were all basic farming tools made of iron - Hoes, Rakes, Wheelbarrows, Spade and such. They all cost between 4 to 7 system tokens.


A small blue screen pop up over the store screen.

[Tutorial Quest No 2 Activated

Task: Make a reservoir.

Condition: Must be atleast have a volume of five hundred litres.

Reward: 20 System token, 2 skill points.

Penalty: Death.

Time limit: 2 day.]

"I should buy the hoe and the Shovel," Said Alex. The penalty was too high of a problem. If possible, Alec didn't want to die.


[You have bought Steel hoe×1.

You have bought Steel Shovel ×1.

Where do you want it to drop?]

"There," Said Alex, pointing to a place under a small tree a few metres away.

A blue light appeared underneath the ground and the item appeared. Alec checked them. They were of good qualities and made of steel.

"I should get to digging,"thought Alec, picking up the hoe and Spade.

It was morning. The Sun was riding in the East.

Alec chose a soft spot, a few metres away from the wet patches of soil and began to dig. Relentlessly he dug till noon by which time he had dug enough to store five hundreds volume of water. He drank some water directly from the puddles and ate some berries he found in the tree. It tasted sweet and tangy.

Next, he dug at the centre of the wet patch. When he reach a metre deep, water came rushing it, sprouting at least five feet into the air. After the water gush down, he dug around the ground, making a small pool of water around the stream.

The soil was sandy. It cannot retain water for long.

It was also the reason why it was easy to dig. Alec had found clay while digging. He mix the clay with water and applied it on the walls and floor of the reservoir in order to hold water. He dig some few more holes in order to find clay. Using those clay, he finally made the reservoir waterproof. Then, he join the Spring pool and the reservoir with a small drain of around three metres long. In about five minutes, the reservoir was filled with water.


[You have completed Tutorial Quest No 2.

Rewards have been given.

You have gained 15 Exp.

You have gained 20 system tokens.

You have gained 2 skill points.

Do you want to use it?]

"Level up Grow by 2," Said Alec. If he was going to be a farmer, Grow was the skill he needed the most.


[Skill: Grow has level up by 2.

Skill: Grow is now level 3]

[Grow(Lvl 3):

30% chance of eliminating diseases in plants.

30% Deduction on growth time.

Passive skill]

Alec was happy. It was an extraordinary feeling of satisfaction he felt. He looked up to the blue sky and felt thankful for the second chance he was given.

"I swear I will make it big this time," Alec promised to himself, bumping his right fist into the air. At that moment, a familiar ringing sound echoed through his ears.


[Tutorial Quest had ended.

Initiating the Quest system.

Quest activated.]


[Farmer's Quest No 1 Initiated

Task: Raise the productivity of the soil.

Condition: Must be atleast of medium productivity.

Reward:30 system points,2 skill points.

Penalty: Loss in 5 levels.

Time limit: 30 days.

Do you accept this quest?


[Farmer's Quest No 2 Initiated

Task: Harvest Your first crop.

Condition: Must be atleast of Grade C×500 units.

Reward:30 system point, 1 farming item.

Penalty: Loss in 5 levels.

Time limit: 60 days.

Do you accept this quest?


[Farmer's Quest No 3 Initiated

Task: Domesticate your first livestock.

Condition: Must be a herbivore.

Reward:50 System point, 2 skill points.

Penalty: Loss in 5 levels.

Time limit: 20 days.

Do you accept this quest?


"Raise the productivity of the soil, Harvest your first crop and Domesticate your first livestock," Said Alec, peering into the three screens. "Well, that's that. For now, let's set up camp."

The Sun was about to set and night in the desert can be very cold unlike the day. He had to built a fire and a shelter as soon as possible. For that, he needed a tool. He check the store and got a machete for chopping wood.

Using the machete, he gathered the necessary materials. He made a small sleeping tent with two sloping roof of grass reinforced with branches he cut down from the trees inside which he made a bed of grass. He built a small fire by rubbing dried wood and roasted a small lizards he caught. Soon his first day in the new world came to an end.


Titles: Titles are given to those who had accomplish a great feat.

Angel of Klieva: During the battle of Klieva in the month of August, 204x, The host saved more than a thousand lives.

Effect: +10 affection with people of good karma.

Skill: Heal(Lvl.1).

Avatar of the system: The host is the Avatar of the omnipotent Supreme Quest System.

Effect: Insight (Lvl.1).

Upgraded old Skills:

Grow(Lvl 3):

30% chance of eliminating diseases in plants.

30% Deduction on growth time.

Active Skill

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