Processing the soil

[Soil type: Sandy brown

Fertility level: F

Status: Semi-arid(250)

Productivity of crops: Low]

This was what [Insight] show on the handful of soil he had grab from the land.

It was just his luck. It will be impossible to have high yields on these land. Alec racked my brain to what to do to process the soil. He did had some ideas. He was not a farmer but retiring to the countryside was his old age goal so he did knew a little about farming. Manure was an organic fertilizer and a much needed item for farming. It was the materials needed for it.

Also processing of soil was hard and the time was too short. Alec made a mental note on how to proceed with these two quest.

The easiest manure making have to be Pit manure making. As for the materials, anything organic will do. As for soil processing, Alec decided on the most primitive farming technique- Slash and burn. If he put the manure after processing the soil, its productivity should rise.

"These will do," Alec thought. He had made four pits in search for clays. These pits will become his manure factory.

It didn't take much time. Next he got busy on choosing a plot enough for the condition to be met and choosed a piece of land with tall grass. Using the machete, he cut down the weeds, rooted them out with hoe and spade and left them to dry. It took him a long time. By the time he finished, It was around noon. The plot was atleast 50×30.

Alec climbed down the tableland to search for organic materials to use as manures. He found a small goat path and went down from there. The ground below was full of grasses. Such patches of grass in such a dry area will be a sure place for large herbivores to feed upon and where large herbivores feed, they are sure to leave one thing behind: Dungs.

His theory was proven correct when he found a huge pile of dried cattle Dungs. [Insight] shows it was the dung of a wild cattle called Gaurus. He also found faeces of wild boar, deers and goats.

He shovel the dungs inside a jute sack he bought from the store for 4 tokens and bought it back to the tableland. He dump them into the pits and went down again. By dusk, he was full of the smell of faeces but his work was done. He mixed the dung with chopped grasses and covered the pit with soils.

[Seed Store

Bamboo Sapling×20 or seeds×100 5 tokens

Carrot seeds×50 5 tokens

Pumpkin seeds×10 5 tokens

Potato Seeds×50 5 tokens

Tomato Seeds×50 5 tokens

Maize seeds×50 5 tokens

0range seeds×10 5 tokens

Watermelons seeds×10 5 tokens

Banana seeds×5 5 tokens

Alfafa seeds×200 5 tokens]

The Cost of seeds were all 5 tokens. Alec decided on the carrot. He had a total of 18 tokens left. He decided to plant outer crops as well. He check the tools section.

[Tool store

Steel Axe×1. 5 tokens

Steel Hoe×1. 4 tokens

Steel Shovel×1. 4 tokens

Steel rake×1. 4 tokens

Wooden wheelbarrow×1. 7 tokens

Stell watering can×1. 6 tokens

Steel Machete×1. 4 tokens

Steel saw×1. 6 tokens

Steel Pickaxe×1. 5 tokens

Jute sack×1. 4 tokens]

"Bamboo will be nice," Said Alec, "I should buy the watering can as well."

The next day,he planted the bamboo saplings. He bought forty bamboos, twenty arrow bamboos and twenty Moso bamboos out of the ten species he was given the option for 10 tokens.

Alec digged a feet deep hole, filled it with manures and planted the sapling, the Moso bamboo at the Northern edge and the arrow bamboos near the Spring.


[Grow has been activated.

Bamboo growth time will be reduced to 70%.

Disease and pest resistance at 30%]

"So it will grow to full in a month," thought Alec,

"That's one hell of an effect."

Bamboo is the fastest growing plant. It reaches its full growth in 60 days after the seeds had sprouted. Some species of bamboo grow 2.91 feet per day, which is 1.5 inches per hour.

It was still morning. Alec decided to work on the field. He set the dry grasses on fire. After the fire died down, he started to dig the soil, turning and breaking down the clumps. He was only able to finished a quarter of the plot by dusk. It took him a quite lots of time because he had dig a feet deep.

"Moo," A sound came into his ear while he was eating a roasted lizard.

It came from the south. Alec went to the cliff to see what was making the noise.

His heart nearly jump out through his mouth when he saw the sight in front of him. A large herd of Creatures were gathered there. They look like cattle and were dyed in black and white. About a hundred of them were in the grassland.


[ Gaurus Herd

Specie: Gaurus

Beast type: Normal beast

Sex: Female

Age: 6

Rank: A


Gaurus are a specie of the wild cattle family. They are one of the most powerful specie in the cattle family. They travel in large group and are very aggressive towards predators.

Domestication rank of a single Gaurus is C]

The creatures look like the Indian Gaur but was much larger and had beefy muscles. Alec couldn't help but drool at the sight of the creature.

''It cannot be help," Said Alec,"Ahhh... I miss meat."

He had no weapons to hunt with. The machete wouldn't do much harm to those creatures. Moreover, their rank was A and his rank was F. There was no way he could hunt them. But in his heart, he had set the objective of domestication those cattles.

The Next day, the herd had moved to the North. Alec was also able to plough the whole plot of land and mixed the manure with the soil.

[Soil type: Sandy brown loam

Fertility level: D

Status: Mesic(520)

Productivity of crops: Medium]


[You have increased the productivity to Medium.

Farming Quest No.1 completed.

Rewards have been given.

You have gained 30 system tokens.

You have gained 2 skill points.

You have gained 30 Exp.

You have level up by 1.

You are now level 3.

Exp to next level. 20/50.

You have gain 5 system tokens.

Do you want to use your skill points?


"Level up Grow to level five," Alec commanded without a single thought.


[Skill: Grow had level by 2.

Grow had reach maximum level.

Additional 10% buff.]


60% chance of eliminating diseases in plants.

60% Deduction on growth time.

Passive Skill]

"No," cried out Alec,"I wanted to level up Domesticate. I fucked up."


[Grow had reach Maximum level.

Related Skill created.

Rapid growth (Lvl 1) has been created.]

[Rapid growth (Lvl 1)

Grows a plant into full maturity within a minute.

However, the plant will not grow if the fertility is not to their requirements.

Effected area: 1 acre or 500 plants.

Cooldown: 3 uses in 30 days.]

"What the...." Alec swear. It was the ultimate cheat skill for a farmer.

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