Level 10

In a small watering hole deep in the barren wasteland of Ardmoor, a family of wild pigs had been cornered by a pack of a dozen Bloodwolves led by a Bloodwolf Alpha as big as a lion and with black thick Mane on its shoulder.

It was a newly formed herd with five pregnant sows and a young wild boar with brown thick hide and a broken left tusk. It was stomping the ground and daring the Alpha to come forward.


A magic circle appeared in the ground under the herd of wild pigs and it glow blue for some few seconds.

[You have completed Farming Quest No 7.

Rewards have been given.

You have gained 100 System tokens.

You have gained 2 skill points.

You have gained 2000 Exp.

You have level up by 1.

You are now level 10.

Exp to next level. 770/1500.

You have gain 50 system tokens.

Second Job had been given: Warrior.

Warrior Skills: Strength of a Warrior(Lvl 1), Aura of a Warrior(Lvl. 1), Fortitude of a Warrior(Lvl 1).

Warrior item:Iron spear, Reinforced Shield and Short Sword.

Warrior Skill books: Basic Aura control, Way of Water Aura technique and Mount Aram Blade techniques.

Third Job will be given at level 30.

Braham's map had been given.

Warrior store had been added.]

Alec could feel himself stronger. He also felt dizzy and nauseating. This happen everytime he leveled up but this time it was much stronger.

After he freshened up, he check on his status.

It was beyond his wildest imagination.

[Name: Alekkar Hemir

Race: Human

Rank: E

Level 10


Class: Commoner(peasant)

Job: Farmer(Beginner), Warrior(Apprentice).


Strength: F Intelligence: B Mentality: D Endurance: F

Mana: F. Dexterity: F Potential: S

Skill:Insight(Lvl 2), Grow(Max), Heal(Lvl.1), Domesticate(Max), Rapid Grow(Lvl 1), Strength of a Warrior(Lvl 1), Spirit of a Warrior(Lvl. 1), Fortitude of a Warrior(Lvl 1), Bond(Lvl 1).

Title: Angel of Klieva, Avatar of the System.]

[Warrior: Warrior is a talent that is found in 1 out of 10000 person. Warrior have more sturdy body and are much more stronger than average human. They can manipulate mana and use it to their advantage. Warrior have Five realms: Apprentice, Earth, Sky, Heavenly, Divine. Each level has three Stages: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. Cultivation of Aura is necessary for advancement.]

[Strength of a Warrior(Lvl 1)

When HP hits 20%, 30% Strength increased by 0.5.

+1 Strength attribute

Cooldown: 1 day

Passive Skill]

[Spirit of a warrior(Lvl 1)

Decrease 10% morale of enemies.

Increase 10% morale of allies.

Cooldown: None

Passive skill]

[Fortitude of a warrior(Lvl 1)

Increase 10% resistance against mental attack.

Increase 10% resistance against poison.

Cooldown: None

Passive Skill]

Alec had also got three skill books. It was a book to control mana, an mana technique book and a blade technique book. He took out the Basic Control technique book and read some of its extracts. It was a thin book and was written with ink pen or quill. Thankfully, it was written in English.

Alec kept the books insides his makeshift bag. It was not the time to read it. With the help of the pack he brought the wild pigs to the farmland and let them live in the pasture.


[Warrior Quest No 1 initiated

Task: Learn the skill: Mana Control.

Condition: Grow an Mana Core.

Reward: Skill: Mana Control, 200 system tokens.

Penalty: Job loss.

Time limit: 3 months.

Do you accept the quest?


It was the first Warrior quest Alec got. He got it while reading the texts after finishing his farm work.

"Yes,"Said Alec. It was time for him to start his training. His body was very weak compared to his former self. He was a veteran in his past life and he also trained in the martial arts.

[Mana exist everywhere and in everything. Yet it cannot be utilizes without proper means. A warrior can use the mana inside his body by enhancing and buffing his muscles and body with mana.

In time, he can even convert the mana of the outside but for that to happen, he must break into the Heavenly realm.

Mana can be used to fortify a warrior body, control the elements and buff his weapons and body. The most efficient way to use aura is by cultivating it.

Meditation and training the body to the limit is the forte of cultivating mana. The battle field is the most powerful stimulus for growth. There are also mystical pills to enhance ones mana as well.

For an Apprentice Warrior, the first step to cultivate mana is to create an mana core. To acheive this, the Apprentice has to meditate and focus on the inner working of his body in a quiet and serene place where one will not be disturbed.

But first, he had to eat the heart-stone of a magibeast. Heart-stone of magibeast has pure mana stored inside them. This will lead to the opening of the mana nodes inside the body of the warrior. The first heart-stone a warrior consume will be poison to his body as his mana and the mana of the heart-stone collide and he will develop high fever. After the fever subside, the nodes can be felt. The better the quality of the heart-stone, the better.

Focus on the blood circulation, the pumping of the heart and the throbbing of temple. This will led the Warrior to the source of his mana. Gather the mana in the body into that part and clump it together through sheer will. The mana will soon become a core which will become the source of the Warrior's mana.]

"A heart-stone,"Alec muttered,"It is found in Magibeast. Huh.. Isn't Blu and Goldie Magibeast?"

Blu and Goldie were the name of the She-Goat and He-Goat respectively."But it means, I have to kill them. Where can I find... Wait.. weren't the horned rabbits magibeast as well?"

He went to the meat storage hut and check the corpse of the dead rabbits. He found it. A red crystal the size of a bird egg.

"Success," Said he, happily.

He harvested from all the heart-stone he could find, ground it up, mixed it with water and his blood and drank it, which was according to the manual. He suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed on the floor, unconcious.

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