Mana and body strengthening

Alec woke up with a start. He was lying inside his hut. He felt cold and feverish. It was the effect of the heart-stone mana and his mana coliding with each other. He stood up and went to his bed. It was time for him to start the process.

Alec sat down on his bed, crosslegged in a Yoga position. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He cleared his mind and focus on his breathing. Soon, he was in sync with his breathing.

Alec drove his consciousness into his inner self. He focused on the circulation of his blood, the throbbing of his temple vein and his heart. After an hour, he felt it.

In his nerves, something along with the bloods were circulating. It was warm and cold at the same time. The first time he focused on it, he felt a tingling on his spine, like an electric shock. His senses flare open. Pain shot through his body as if his entire body was full of open pores and air were escaping from his body.

Alec temporarily lost his focus and open his eyes, gasping for breath. The pain subsided. It was his aura escaping from his body because he had no core. The Heart-stone had activated the dormant prana in his body and it was slowly turning into aura.

Alec fell back into his meditation. He witheld the pain and focus on the auras in his body. He focus from where it was emanating and it led to his diaphragm. He could feel a tiny ball as small as a grain. It was weak. He took a deep breath and will his entire aura to gather there, focusing on that part.

A sharp pain hit his diaphragm and an electric jolt ran through his body. Alec nearly broke his concentration. The pain in his body disappeared and the pores closed. His aura had condensed in his diaphragm, between his lungs and the Aura core had become thrice the size.


[You have successfully formed an Mana Core.

You have completed Warrior Quest No 1.

Skill: Mana Control(Lvl 1) had been rewarded.

You have gained 200 system tokens.

You aura had increased to F+.

Apprentice warrior had increased to stage 2.

You have gained 1000 EXP.

You have level up by 1.

You are now level 11.

You have gained 50 system token.

Exp required for next level (270/1750)]

Alec finally open his eyes and break his meditation. He couldn't feel happier. He was one step closer to become a warrior. A question strike his mind. What should he do next? The answer was clear. His body were weak. His Strength and Endurance were F and E respectively, which were very weak. He had to built his strength and endurance.


[Warrior quest No 2 Initiated.

Task: Strengthen your body.

Condition: Raise Strength to E+ and Endurance to D.

Difficulty: C

Reward: Skill book: Mana Manipulation, 250 system tokens.

Penalty: Loss of Job: Warrior.

Time limit: 1 month.

Do you accept the quest?

Yes/ No]

"Ahh, the Quest does know the solution." In his past life, Alec was a practitioner of Muay thai. His master had taught him one thing when he started learning: the basics were the most important and the rest comes easy."Rome was not built in a day. It seem this applies here as well."

Alec meditate till morning. He began to trained his body. He made a set of squats, pushups, jumping jack, pull-up, air punch, roundhouse kick and chin-up one hundred times each inside his hut.

"Master, are you in there," Duke's voice rang out.

Sweating and panting, Alex opened the hinge door and came out. The huge frame of the wolf block the door.

"Anything happen, Duke," Alex asked.

"Daisy had given birth, Master," Said Duke.

"Really,'' Said Alec, clapping his hand. "Let's go there right now."

"Master, get on my back," Said Duke, pawing down. In his excitement, Alec didn't even noticed that it was the first time the huge beast had offered him a ride.

He held on to the Mane and rode to the Pasture. Daisy was in the pasture and with her was a newborn calf in orange and white color, suckling on her milk.

"Well done, my girl," Said Alec, patting the cow. The cow moo pleasantly. Alec gave her a cabbage. Seeing the commotion, the goats arrived as well. The four kids had grown and their color had began to appear. One had black, two had blue and the remaining had golden colors. Alec feed them with cabbages and watermelons.

The pigs had also given birth. Each sow had given birth to dozen spotted little piglets. The pigs were fence at the North of the pasture. Alec commanded the worker golems to feed the pigs with the spoil foods.

For the next few days, Alec focused on his training.

He increased the number of reps and use weights as well. He trained in the morning and evening and meditated in between. He told Duke to not disturb him while the golems took care of the basic chores and tending to the fields.

After a week of training, the system finally rang up.


[You have successfully formed an Mana Core.

You have completed Warrior Quest No 2.

Skillbook: Mana Manipulation(Lvl 1) had been rewarded.

You have gained 250 system tokens.

You mana had increased to E.

Apprentice warrior had increased to stage 1.

You have gained 1000 EXP.

You have level up by 1.

You are now level 11.

You have gained 50 system token.

Exp required for next level (1270/1750)]


[Companion [Duke] has kill a Red Ogre.

Companion [Duke] had level up by 10.

Companion [Duke] has reached Level 50.

Companion [Duke] can be evolved to next stage.

Do you want to evolved Companion?


"Yes," Said Alex.


[Duke had evolved to Dire Bloodwolf Alpha.

All stats will rise by 1.

The Bloodwolf pack had evolved to Great Bloodwolf Pack.

All stats had risen by 1]

[Dire Bloodwolf Alpha

Specie: Bloodwolf Variant

Beast type: Magibeast

Sex: Male

Age: 8

Rank: B


HP: 10000/10000


Intelligence: B Strength : B Mana: C

Endurance: B. Dexterity:A. Potential: S

Attack Skills: Bite, Clawing, Blood drain, Roar.

Status: Starving, Extremely weakened.

A Bloodhound who has been exiled by the pack. Bloodhound are wild dogs. They lived in packs and are highly intelligent. They can regenerate by drinking bloody.

Evolution at level 100.]

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