
Paul only went up one level, despite defeating dozens of wizards, he would probably continue to climb slowly, but at least he had finished this mission. Now he only needed to excel in one school, he would pass the main mission.

He didn't care much about the new skill he had been given, he preferred to ignore it for now.

He was somewhat happy, but he didn't trust the game very much, with the death of Marcos he was very sad. His friend had already made a lot of progress, and maybe if he continued at that pace, he would be out of the game in less than a month.

It was difficult for Paul, but he tried to calm down and convince himself that he could finish the game. Now he had more responsibility than before, but he had already achieved some goals.

He left the castle garden quite tired, the last three days had been very difficult for him. The torture he had received had him somewhat out of his mind. He should do the missions more calmly, and avoid doing favors for the king.

As there were no
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