Chapter 008: Logan Experiences a Robbery

Chapter 008: Logan Experiences a Robbery

"Tempête, get the car ready," Diane commanded as she turned to Ablaze. "Watch these Bennett fools while I walk out of here.'’

As they stepped outside, Tempête had already revved up the car. With a gallant bow, he ushered Diane into the backseat, and then joined Ablaze in the front. Tempête took the driver's seat, ready to take on the road ahead.

Arriving at the main gate, Cody, the gatekeeper, signaled for their car to halt, yet kept the gate firmly shut.

Tempête, filled with irritation at the gatekeeper's behavior, rolls down the car window, his eyes burning with fury.

"What's the matter with you, old man? Open the door! We need to catch up with someone, and we need to do it fast," Tempête demanded, his anger boiling over.

"An old man, you say?" Cody chuckled. "I've got nothing for you. I'm here to talk to the Heiress," Cody shot back.

"Why? You'll have to get past us first. We'll make sure your message reaches my Lord," Ablaze declared.

"Calm down, everyone. Let's give him a chance to speak," Diane said from the backseat, turning to Cody. "I'm listening, Mister.''

"Thanks so much, ma'am. I'm really urging you not to give up on persuading Mr. Reed. He's been through so much. He really deserves a break and to return to where he truly belongs," Cody passionately implored, his sincerity evident in every word and expression.

Diane asked, ''Is that all you've got?''

"Absolutely," Cody responded. "I really appreciate the opportunity to..." Before Cody could finish speaking, a yell came from the entrance of the dining hall.

It was Zora; she couldn't help but notice that Cody was speaking to the Reeds, and it clearly annoyed her.

"Caught red-handed, Cody," she yelled. "How could you speak with unauthorized individuals? That takes some nerve!''

"Please, ma'am, I'm really sorry," Cody pleaded as he rushed to open the gates.

"You'd better watch yourself, mister," she hissed before striding back into the dining hall.

Upon hearing Zora's outburst, Diane was on the verge of anger, but she remained determined not to lose sight of Logan.

"Are we ready?" she asked the guards, who responded with a nod before steering the BMW M760i xdrive out of the Bennett's Estate.


As Logan strolled along the Alaxar Express road, his mind buzzed with thoughts, replaying the dramatic events that had unfolded at the Bennett estate.

As he slowly made his way home, a whirlwind of unsettling questions swirled in his mind. Was Ings actually plotting to harm everyone present, or was he attempting to set me up? Could he truly have gone to such lengths? Did Zora have prior knowledge of this and was merely pretending all along? Did Bradley assist Ings with the chlorine gas? Why did the Lexington personnels arrive immediately? These haunting questions lingered in his thoughts, refusing to fade away.


His train of thought was shattered by the insistent buzz of his cell phone. With a jolt, he fumbled to retrieve it from his pocket.

The caller ID illuminated with the words "sweet mum," casting a warm glow on the screen. He hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts before carefully swiping his finger upwards to accept the call, pondering what awaited him on the other end.

"Hello, Mum," he said in a calm, even tone, pausing to listen for a response from the other end of the line. Instead, all he could discern was a faint, barely audible voice coming from her end.

He immediately asked with concern, "What's the matter, Mom? Your voice seems muffled.''

"Logan, it's just the normal fever," Logan's mother, Madame Amelia said, managing to speak. "I've been feeling it since you left for work this morning," she explained amidst coughs, her voice trembling.

Trembling with fear, Logan's mind was consumed with worry, so much so that he had momentarily forgotten what was troubling him.

At that moment, as he looked ahead, he noticed a small corner store nestled in the distance.

"Mom, hang tight," Logan said eagerly. "I've got some change, and I see a store that's still open. I'll grab some anti-malarial drugs and tea for you. Just hold on, hun.''

"Please hurry, I'm shivering," Madame Amelia replied just before the call ended.

Sighing heavily, Logan gazed at the store up ahead. It was getting late, and an eerie darkness had settled over the road, the store stood out as the lone source of light in the darkness around it.

Logan whispered to himself, "This is the time when the Raubtier guys usually strike. I just hope I can make it home in one piece." With each step, his fear grew stronger, but he kept his eyes fixed ahead as he made his way to the store.

The Raubtier group is infamous as the primary criminal organization in Contreal city. Their headquarters are situated on Alaxar road, and they predominantly conduct their operations under the cover of night.

Suddenly, three enigmatic figures appeared from the shadows of an adjacent alleyway, clad in dark attire and their faces obscured by hoods.

"Hey, you there!" one of them shouted, their voice harsh and demanding.

Logan turned to face the figures, his heart pounding in his chest as fear gripped him, realizing what was happening as he glanced at the group of people approaching, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were the members of Raubtier group.

Logan's voice trembled as he managed to ask, "What is it that you want?''

"Think you've got the guts to ask us what we want?" jeered another one of the men with a sarcastic laugh.

"Give up your cash and anything else of value," demanded the third figure as the trio approached with a menacing glint in their eyes.

"Please, I beg of you. My mother is seriously ill and I need to get her medication right away," Logan pleaded, sweat beading on his forehead.

"Haha, what a pathetic loser," taunted the apparent leader, unfazed by Logan's desperate plea.

"Who cares about your mother's health? She could kick the bucket for all we care," another one taunted.

"To hell with you and your mother!" The leader's words echoed through the surroundings, dripping with venom.


With a swift motion, he swung his leg towards Logan, landing a crushing blow to his abdomen that sent him crashing to his knees.

Logan sprawled on the dilapidated road, his fingers clawing at his stomach as he keened with the searing pain rippling through his abdomen.

The members of Raubtier group rifled through Logan's pockets, eager to uncover any valuable items after effectively incapacitating him.

"Ha, he's got a couple of bucks," chuckled the third member as he aggressively grabbed the money from Logan's pocket.

Logan's desperate plea echoed through the air as he watched the man callously pocket his hard-earned money: "Please don't take it. I really need it for my mother.''

"Quiet down, you idiot," the leader growled, turning sharply to face Logan and headbutting him, making his nose bleed once more.

"Keep searching, I believe there's more." the leader said greedily, just as a bright beam of light suddenly interrupted their scandalous activity.

"Hey! What's that light?" the third member yelled at the direction the light was coming from, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Quiet down! There's a car coming," the leader responded, clearly filled with fear.

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