Chapter 010- The call to evacuate

Chapter 010- The call to evacuate

Logan was about to barge into the house when he suddenly had a second thought; he decided to eavesdrop.

"Please, sir, we will try to pay. Please don't break down the house; we will have nowhere to stay. Please give us another few weeks. My son would have gathered some amount," he heard his mother say.

"I can't stand this anymore; my mother shouldn't be begging anyone like this!" Logan muttered as he barged into the house.

"Thank God you came at the right time. Talk to the bootleg landlord, Mr. Thomas. He's threatening to bring down the house because we didn't pay him the monthly dues. Talk to him, maybe he might listen to you," Logan's mother, Madame Amelia said, giving the phone to Logan.

"Hello, Mr. Thomas," Logan pleaded desperately over the phone. "Please, I'm begging you to bear with me. I promise to repay you in just a few weeks, sir." However, the man on the other end vehemently refused.

"Logan, forget about the monthly dues for a minute. The government is planning to construct a new road, and these houses are marked for demolition. You must find a new place to live as soon as possible," Mr. Thomas stated firmly.

"Mr. Thomas, I understand that you're upset, but please try to bear with us," Logan pleaded. However, the man became agitated once again.

"Calling me a liar? You ungrateful person! Both you and your mother need to be out of that house before I get there tomorrow!" the man exclaimed angrily before abruptly ending the call.

Logan dropped to his knees, distraught. "Oh, Mum, he hung up," he uttered, his voice filled with despair. "Will this suffering ever cease?" He sobbed, tears streaming down his face.

"What's making you cry, my son? What did he say?" Madame Amelia asked, her voice full of concern and curiosity.

"The situation is very serious, Mom. Mr. Thomas told me that we need to leave before he shows up tomorrow. He's making threats," Logan replied.

"Where does he want us to go from here?" Madame Amelia sobbed, tears streaming down her face. "Oliver, why did you have to live a short life? This pain is unbearable.''

As soon as Madame Amelia mentioned Logan's late father, he again recalled everything that had happened that day, from meeting his long-lost half-sister to her pleading for him to return to the family.

"Should I tell Mother about Diane? Nah, now's not the time. And what if Diane has some ulterior motive? Maybe her mother sent her to trick us, so they could take us out for good." Logan pondered, lost in his thoughts until his mother's voice snapped him back to reality.

"And if I may ask, why are there bloodstains on your shirt?" Madame Amelia inquired.

"Bloodstains, you say? It's just from some wine I spilt at Madame Ruthie's party," Logan fibbed as he promptly removed his shirt.

Madame Amelia's gaze remained fixed on the stain as she inquired, "Oh...yes, Ruthie. How's she?''

"She's fine, Mother. Here are your drugs. You should take them now for the sake of your health," Logan replied, handing his mother the medication, hoping it would shift the conversation away from the distressing topic of the bloodstain.

"Son, thank you so much. I truly appreciate it. May Mother Mary continue to bless you," Madame Amelia expressed her gratitude as she accepted the medication from Logan and prepared to take it.

Logan's smile widened as he replied, 'I'd move heaven and earth to keep my dear Mother happy.'' Then he settled down for the night on the tattered mat they shared as a makeshift bed.

"Sorry to disturb your sleep, but how's Zora? Did she like the gift you got for her mother?" Madame Amelia's question hit Logan hard, but he quickly shrugged it off.

Logan's eyes flashed with sadness as he spoke, "Yes, she lov…ed it." Feeling the weight of the day pressing down, he turned to his mother, "I have to sleep now, Mother. Tomorrow, I'll have to make a trip to Skyville Suites to pick up some dirty clothes." With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes, hoping that sleep would come swiftly and grant him some much-needed rest.

…..The Reed Estate, Contreal City, Heralzia.

Tempête skillfully guided the car into the estate, and as they arrived, he, Ablaze, and Diane were met by a mesmerizing display of red and green light bulbs.

The air was filled with the soothing notes of Canadian soft music that swept through the entire estate.

As Diane stepped out of the car, a wave of confusion swept over her.

Diane's heart raced as she looked around, confused by the sudden burst of lights and music at midnight. "What's happening? What are the lights for? And the music, it's midnight already," she muttered to herself, just as her mother, Madame Eliza, leaped into view.

"Welcome, Diane. Where is he? Is he in the car?" Madame Eliza asked with excitement as she dashed to the car without even pausing for a response.

Diane was puzzled by her mother's sudden change of heart. That morning before she left home, she had been against the idea of Diane bringing Logan back home, and now she was all excited about his impending arrival.

"Where could he be? He's not in the car. Did he go inside the house already? Tell me, daughter," Madame Eliza said, lifting Diane's chin and searching her eyes for an answer.

Diane's sudden outburst took her mother by surprise, leaving her speechless. "Enough with the charade, Mom," she exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration. "Take down the fake decorations and music; he didn't come with me." With that, Diane stormed into the grand residence, leaving her mother no chance to respond as Ablaze and Tempête trailed after her.

"What on earth is going on with her? I hope Amelia and that despicable son of hers haven't done anything to my daughter!" Madame Eliza muttered anxiously to herself. Suddenly, the vibration of her phone interrupted her thoughts - an incoming call.

Madame Eliza's heart skipped a beat as she glanced at her phone's screen. The name "Timo Da Raubtier" flashed on the caller ID, and she felt a wave of fear and confusion.

"What! Why's he calling me? I made it clear to him I don't have anything to do with him anymore," she thought, struggling to control her rising panic.

"Timo, what do you want now?" Madame Eliza snapped as she answered the phone, her voice filled with frustration.

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