Chapter 011- Tempête to the rescue

"Timo, what do you want now?" Madame Eliza snapped as she answered the phone, her voice filled with frustration.

"Hahaha, Madame," Timo chuckled. "Relax, I didn't call to stir up trouble. I just wanted to chat," he said from the other end.

"Really? you want us to chat? I've already set everything up for you and your gang to start fresh in Germany with new identities. Do you really want to risk getting caught by the cops for good? I don't understand why you reached out to me considering you don't work for me anymore," Madame Amelia asked, her impatience evident.

"Nah, woman. You want me to sit in Germany and wait for food to come to me?" Timo joked. "How do you expect me to survive? My gang and I engage in a bit of pickpocketing here in Heralzia, of course! By the way, I have some exciting news and a proposal for you," he announced.

Madame Eliza sighed, "I'm all ears. Hurry and spill the beans, but don't get me in trouble," she pleaded, wondering what Timo would want to tell her.

"Can you believe it? I ran into your biggest fear today," Timo said with a casual yet mischievous grin.

"Biggest fear? What are you talking about?" Madame replied, completely baffled.

"I saw your step-son today," Timo said eagerly on the phone, prompting Madame Eliza to quickly glance around to ensure no one was eavesdropping. "Isn't this the perfect opportunity to finally rid yourself of him and his mother for good?" Timo proposed with a sly smile.

"Will you please be quiet, Timo? I don't engage in that sh!t anymore, at least not right now," Madame Eliza replied angrily.

"Sigh... I miss doing these lives-deleting jobs for you, Madame Eliza," Timo said with a grin.

"Timo, imagine that I've never asked for your help and never met you before. Do not contact me again," Madame Amelia stated.

"Can you believe this? You're denying me now, Madame Eli..." Timo tried to complain, but before he could finish his sentence, Eliza abruptly cut the call.

Madame Eliza was in a state of utter confusion, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of what had just transpired.

She was acutely aware that Timo's perilous mini-robbery attempts could spell trouble for both of them if he ever got caught by the Contreal Police.

She marched into the grand estate, her voice filled with determination as she muttered to herself. ''Sooner or later, I have to take him out of the way before he starts spilling information that's supposed to remain confidential.''


The following morning at Emerald Cottages, Madame Amelia jolted awake to the piercing sound of doors being forcefully opened. She rubbed her eyes and saw Logan struggling to unlock the door.

"Hey there, son, where are you heading off so early?" she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Eii mother, I mentioned it last night that I really need to swing by Skyville Suites today to grab some dirty clothes for laundry," Logan said, while grappling with the stubborn wooden door.

Madame Amelia nodded and said, "Yes, I remember. Was that why you couldn't say goodbye?''

Upon realizing his mistake, Logan quickly leaned down to his mom and gently placed a kiss on her cheek. "I'm sorry, Mother. I didn't want to wake you; I saw that you were enjoying your rest," he said.

"Not really," Madame Amelia declared with a shake of her head. "I couldn't relax at all; my thoughts were consumed by the bootleg landlord's words from the previous night.''

Feeling the weight of her sadness, Logan lifted her chin and gazed directly into her eyes, aiming to boost her confidence. "Rest assured, Mother. He can't harm us, he's just making threats.''

With a sense of urgency, he whispered in her ear, "I have to go now before someone else snatches the contract.''

As Madame Amelia bid him farewell, she tenderly rested her hand on his head, offering a heartfelt prayer, "May the compassionate Mother Mary watch over and safeguard you every step of the way on your journey, Amen.''


As Logan turned the doorknob, the feeble wooden door shattered, propelling him back into the room and slamming his head against the wall.

"Mother, don't move," Logan winced in pain. "The way that door was smashed in, it looks like someone powerful did it from outside," he explained.

The cloud of dust from the collapsed door billowed in the air, obscuring the entrance to the room. Logan and his mother squinted through the haze, trying to discern the figures that had burst into their home.

Madame Amelia's voice trembled as she called out, "Who's there? Why did you break down the door? Please, don't hurt us..." Her words trailed off as rough hands seized the collars of their clothing and forcibly dragged them out of the room.

"Throw them on the bare floor," barked Mr.Thomas, the bootleg landlord who had been waiting outside.

At that instant, they realized they were being forcibly dragged by Mr. Thomas's hired goons.

"Yesterday, I specifically told both you and your mother not to sleep here but you didn't listen. Right?" Mr. Thomas exclaimed angrily as he landed a harsh slap on Logan's face.

Mr. Thomas sneered as he bent down in front of Madame Amelia. "If only you had agreed to be mine from the start, you wouldn't be suffering like this, you good-for-nothing woman," he hissed with disdain.

Logan suddenly realized that Mr Thomas'behaviour was influenced by his mother's rejection of his unpleasant proposal.

Mr. Thomas erupted in anger, shouting, "Common sense should be slapped into you too!" as he menacingly raised his fist, ready to strike Madame Amelia's face.

Out of nowhere, a strong hand grabbed his and held it back, causing everyone to look up in surprise. It turned out to be none other than the most highly trained retired military man in all of Heralzia.

"War Lieutenant Tempête Amaya!" Mr. Thomas and his henchmen exclaimed in surprise. They didn't anticipate finding him in a place as grungy as the emerald cottages.

Tempête was a formidable presence, known not only as a guardian of the Reed family but also a renowned figure in Heralzia due to his imposing physique and his past military service. His reputation preceded him, making him a figure of both respect and fear among the tyrants and thugs of Heralzia.

Mr. Thomas was taken aback as he began, "Surprising to see you in a dirty place like this, sir. I hope we didn't break the law. What brings you here unexpectedly?" He asked fearfully, his wrist still in Tempête's grip.

"If my lord is comfortable living here for 23 years, then who am I not to stay until eternity?" Tempête replied coldly, studying Logan intently as he uttered his words.

"Your lord? Please don't blaspheme, sir. The lord is up there in the sky, not in this dirty environment," innocently exclaimed Mr. Thomas, unaware that Tempête was actually referring to Logan.

Fuming with frustration, Tempête brushed Mr. Thomas's hand away and pointed an accusing finger at him. "You have no right to tell me what's right or wrong, civilian. My lord is the one you just dared to touch. Leave before I lose my temper!" he demanded.

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