Chapter 012- $15 billion premium card

Chapter 012- $15 billion premium card

Fuming with frustration, Tempête brushed Mr. Thomas's hand away and pointed an accusing finger at him. "You have no right to tell me what's right or wrong, civilian. My lord is the one you just dared to touch. Leave before I lose my temper!" he demanded.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant Tempête, but this poor commoner is not your Lord or anything related to royalty. I understand that you're just trying to let us free him, but we surely won't. We respect you so much, sir." Mr. Thomas whined but his plea was immediately met with a swift kick to his belly, causing him to wince in pain and cry out, "Ouch!''

"If you don't leave here at this moment, I might be forced to bring out my gun!" Tempête yelled, making Mr. Thomas and his thugs hastily flee away in great fear of being shot.

Throughout the ordeal, Logan and his mother remained silent as they sat on the dry, bare floor. Surprisingly, Logan appeared unperturbed by Tempête's timely arrival to their rescue, while his mother gazed at Tempête intently, as if she had just witnessed a ghost.

Madame Amelia couldn't help but burst into a quick short laughter as she exclaimed, 'Hulk'ee!' at Tempête, who looked at her in utter confusion.

A couple of years back, Tempête frequently endured teasing about his muscular physique, earning him the lighthearted nickname "Hulk'ee" from his late boss's first wife, Lady Amelia Reed.

"Is it really you?" He thought to himself, gazing intensely at Madame Amelia. "Lady Amelia, is that truly you?" he uttered slowly, tears pooling in his eyes, on the brink of spilling over.

"Surprised to see me? You've aged a lot," she replied with a smile, tears of nostalgia rolling down her cheeks as she reminisced about her sweet and happier past life.

"Are you serious? You didn't seem any younger either," he said, blushing.

''Oh, come on, Hulk'ee" Madame Amelia chuckled. "My suffering was a direct result of the suffering you and your boss's second wife made me go through," she said, a pained expression crossing her face.

Logan's eyes widened in shock as he turned to his mum. "What do you mean by that, mother?''

"Yeah back then when your father's second wife had my father-in-law ordered us to be thrown out of the Reed Mansion. Tempête was among the guards that assisted in chasing us out," Madame Amelia recounted.

"Is that so?" Logan shot Tempête a look of pure disdain.

"Lord Logan, please believe me, it's not as it seems. I was simply carrying out orders," Tempête pleaded, dropping to his knees and bowing his head.

Madame Amelia looked puzzled as she inquired, 'Where did you meet him? How did you know he's my son?''

"Ah, we've crossed paths before," Tempête remarked nonchalantly. "He's actually the reason I am here this morning as well.''

Logan may have been much younger, but Tempête treated him with the same reverence he had for his late father, Oliver Reed.

"Here, My lord, you can have this," Tempête said, producing the premium black card that Diane had given to him the day before.

Logan's eyes narrowed as he refused to take the card from Tempête. "What's the deal with this card? Why are you giving it to me? And why is my father's name on it?" he demanded, his tone edged with disdain. Before Tempête could respond, Madame Amelia interjected.

"That's the premium black card, son. I believe Hulk'ee brought it for you, so it's all yours now," she said with a smile.

Tempête nodded, a smile of approval spreading across his face. "Yes, Lady Amelia is absolutely right. This card is now in your possession, Lord Logan. It belonged to your father before he passed away, and I thank the heavens we finally found you. It's yours now," he confirmed with certainty.

Logan's face twisted in confusion as he blurted out, "Mine? What do you want me to do with this plastic card?" With a sudden burst of frustration, he forcefully snatched the card from Tempête, slamming it onto the bare floor.

Madame Amelia and Tempête both stared wide-eyed in absolute shock as they exclaimed, 'Jeez!'

"Son, why on earth did you do that?" Madame Amelia exclaimed, delivering a sharp slap to the back of Logan's head.

"Mum, come on. Why do I have to take that ordinary plastic card anyway?" Logan said with a smirk.

Tempête chuckled at Logan's reference to the exclusive black card as "ordinary plastic.''

"Sir, if I were in your shoes, I would grab that card and make sure it doesn't hit the floor again," suggested Tempête. But Logan responded with a rude retort.

"What's the worst that could happen if I don't?''

"Be careful with that card, it's capable of automatically alerting the Military," Tempête warned, his eyes darting around anxiously.

"If it falls unto the ground again, the whole Heralzia army will come looking for it. We don't want to bring that kind of trouble down on us, do we? Don't let them think it's in the wrong hands." He handed the card to Logan, who accepted it with a sense of profound responsibility.

As he held it, he glanced back and forth between his mother and Tempête, uncertain of what to do next.

"What should I do with this?" he inquired, his voice calm.

Tempête flashed a brief smile, clearly confident in his ability to persuade. 'That card in your hand holds a whopping $15 billion,' he began, but Logan cut him off with an exclamation.

Logan was in disbelief as tears of joy streamed down his face. "Wait, $15 billion? Are you teasing me right now? You mean to tell me I own $15 billion?''

"Of course, my lord, it's linked to all the banks in Heralzia, and the pin is 0520," Tempête reassured, giving him a pat on the shoulder to boost his spirits. "No need to fret, Kid. It's yours, your wicked stepmother just delayed it," Tempête comforted.

"Mother, can you believe this? We're rich, Mother. We'll finally be able to enjoy a proper meal after 20 long years," Logan exclaimed with joy, bringing tears to his mother's eyes.


Logan's phone emitted a sharp "beep," jolting him into action. He hastily reached into his pocket to retrieve it, all while Tempête lent a helping hand to Madame Amelia, aiding her to her feet.

Logan's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at the screen, his surprise evident on his face as he pulled it out.

''What’s going on, my Lord? Is something wrong?'' Tempête asked, puzzled by Logan’s sudden outburst.

''Someone just deposited a huge sum into my account. I don’t remember giving my account number to anyone,'' Logan said, his excitement palpable.

''$300 million, right?'' Tempête guessed, leaving Logan stunned.

''How did you know the amount without even looking at my phone? Did you send it?'' Logan demanded.

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