All Chapters of Once Despised, Bastard Billionaire : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
40 chapters
Chapter 001- Here we go again
Chapter 001- Here we go againIt was a busy night in the Contreal city mall of Heralzia, Logan was returning from his laundry job.Since childhood, Logan Reed had consistently worked hard to make ends meet. As a laundry attendant, his days were spent dashing from one place to another, picking up dirty clothes, and delivering the freshly washed ones to various businesses and individuals across Contreal.No matter how hard he toiled, his earnings remained insufficient to take care of himself and his mother.Even though he knew that his wife, Zora, was the second child of The Bennett Family, one of the wealthiest and most successful families in Heralzia, he didn't want to rely on her for financial support.A feeling of happiness and excitement enveloped him as he walked out of the mall.The reason for his excitement was a packaged parcel he held in his hand, which contained a beautiful flower vase he had saved up for months to buy for his mother-in-law, Madame Ruthie Bennett.Even though
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Chapter 002- Behind closed doors
Chapter 002- Behind closed doorsTaking a deep breath, Logan straightened his shoulders and confidently pushed the ornate doors open, stepping into the luxurious dinner hall of the mansion.The sound of chatter and laughter filled the air, mingling with the soft strains of classical Canadian music playing in the background.Logan scanned the hall, his eyes landing on his mother-in-law, Madame Ruthie. She looked radiant in her elegant gown.A smile lit up her face as she greeted the group of notable individuals who graced her 66th birthday dinner party.Amongst the guests, who caught his attention was Bradley Lexington, the CEO of Xington Pharmaceutical Industry, a medics company in Sweden.Bradley, being Blake's childhood friend had always dreamt of marrying Zora and with the help of Blake, he had managed to shoot some shots but Zora kept refusing his advances because of the genuine love she has for Logan.''Huh, this fool is one of the reasons Blake and Ings hate me so much,'' Logan
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Chapter 003- Moments before despair 
Chapter 003- Moments before despair ''I'm very sure Ings and Blake are the one behind this, those guys might be trying to play games with me, i need to be extra careful.'' Logan thought to himself.Zora sensed Logan's discomfort and gently squeezed his hand under the table, offering him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Logan. Whatever happens, we'll face it together."Logan returned her smile gratefully, feeling a surge of warmth in his heart. With Zora by his side, he hoped he could handle whatever challenges the evening might bring.As the sumptuous dinner meal was served, Logan and Zora engaged in light conversation, savoring each bite and enjoying the company of their family and guests. The ambiance of the dining hall was filled with laughter and the clinking of cutlery, adding to the festive atmosphere of Madame Ruthie's birthday celebration.The butlers moved gracefully around the table, ensuring that every guest's plate was filled and every need was attended to with meticulo
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Chapter 004- The Unveiling 
Chapter 004- The Unveiling "Madame, I... I hope you'll like this," Logan said softly, his voice barely audible above the murmur of the crowd.Despite his nerves, he was confident that his gift would be well-received, but he couldn't help feeling anxious as he waited for her reaction.Madame Ruthie's eyes lit up with genuine warmth as she reached out to accept the gift, her smile radiant despite the dim lighting of the dining hall. "Thank you, Logan," she said sincerely, her gratitude evident in her voice.With trembling hands, Logan placed the package into Madame Ruthie's outstretched hands, his heart pounding with anticipation. He held his breath as she carefully began to unwrap the gift, the tension in the room evident as everyone waited in anticipation.As the wrapping fell away, revealing the empty package, a collective gasp rippled through the crowd as Chlorine gas nestled within the package filled the atmosphere of the dining hall.Logan, the Bennett family and every one of the
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Chapter 005- An unwanted visitor 
Chapter 005- An unwanted visitor Blake's grip tightened further, his fury unrelenting as he glared at Logan with undisguised loathing. "Sorry simply won't cut it," he snarled, his voice low and menacing. "You've endangered my family, and now you'll pay the price!''Logan was caught off guard as Blake's fist came flying towards him, landing square on his nose with a sickening crunch. The impact sent a wave of pain through Logan's face, causing his eyes to water and his nose to gush blood.The crimson stain also began to spread across his shirt as he stumbled back, trying to regain his balance.As Logan staggered back, reeling from the blow, he could hear the gasps and murmurs of the onlooking guests, their shock and horror mirroring his own as Blake loosen his grip completely.''That’s for my mum and the fake love you have for my sister!'' Blake spat with contempt as he ran his fingers across his face, wiping the little sweat that formed on his forehead.Logan's voice was hoarse and
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Chapter 006- Logan meet Heiress Diane
Chapter 006- Logan meet Heiress Diane''Stay alert! I think we have an unwanted visit..'' Before Mr.Bill could complete his command, incoming husky and thunderous voices interrupted him.''Everyone, stay put! Heiress Diane of the Reed family is here!''''Stay right there or we might be forced to break your filthy legs with this pistol,'' Rencroso barked as he, alongside the other Bennett guards pointed guns at the beautiful woman as she elegantly walked in, followed by four hefty men."Even your boss, Bill, wouldn't dare to do that. But let's not talk about family rivalry. I'm here for my half-brother and I demand to see him!" Diane replied firmly, unfazed by the guards' weapons as Mr. Bill reluctantly ordered them to lower them.Zora chuckled and said, "Ohh Diane, do you think this hall looks similar to the one in your late father's estate? And what do you think about your half-brother? You think this is the right place to search for him?"Mr. Bill's patience had run thin as he confr
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Chapter 007- Turmoil and Reunion 
Chapter 007- Turmoil and Reunion Diane was completely shocked when Logan casually mentioned the first name of her mother, the powerful Matriarch and head of the Reed family.Lost in her thoughts, unable to find the right words to say, Diane struggled to comprehend that the beaten-up young man in front of her was actually her long-lost half-brother, whom she had been tirelessly searching for."Logan, is that really you?" Diane whispered, her words barely audible as she cautiously approached him. "Where on earth have you been all this while?" Her hand reached out to touch his face, but Logan abruptly swatted it away, leaving her stunned and bewildered."I understood that my mother has caused a lot of pain for you and your mother. Despite that, I already made up my mind to find you, Logan. The family's multibillionaire system isn't thriving without a male leader," Diane said in a neutral tone but Logan responded angrily, waving his finger in clear annoyance at her words."I can't believ
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Chapter 008: Logan Experiences a Robbery
Chapter 008: Logan Experiences a Robbery"Tempête, get the car ready," Diane commanded as she turned to Ablaze. "Watch these Bennett fools while I walk out of here.'’As they stepped outside, Tempête had already revved up the car. With a gallant bow, he ushered Diane into the backseat, and then joined Ablaze in the front. Tempête took the driver's seat, ready to take on the road ahead.Arriving at the main gate, Cody, the gatekeeper, signaled for their car to halt, yet kept the gate firmly shut.Tempête, filled with irritation at the gatekeeper's behavior, rolls down the car window, his eyes burning with fury."What's the matter with you, old man? Open the door! We need to catch up with someone, and we need to do it fast," Tempête demanded, his anger boiling over."An old man, you say?" Cody chuckled. "I've got nothing for you. I'm here to talk to the Heiress," Cody shot back."Why? You'll have to get past us first. We'll make sure your message reaches my Lord," Ablaze declared."Calm
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Chapter 009- Old Scars: The Heiress and the Gangsters
"Quiet down! There's a car coming," the leader responded, clearly filled with fear."Should we make a run for it, boss? I think I see the contreal night patrol police," the other two members asked, their hearts pounding in their chests.''Shut the hell up and let me focus," the leader snapped as he raised his pistol, aiming it toward the oncoming car."Whoa!" he exclaimed, quickly lowering the pistol. "That's definitely not a police van. It's something else entirely.''"Wow, look at that! It's a BMW M760i," the second member exclaimed excitedly as they all watched the car advancing towards them."This is not good, guys," the third member also exclaimed, eyeing his colleagues with intensity. "I'm willing to bet that only one person in Contreal city owns this car.''As the car finally came to a stop in front of them, the trio chorused simultaneously, "The Great Mrs, Madame Eliza Reed!''''Ho ho, she's not the one,''The three gangsters were in awe as they watched Ablaze open the car doo
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Chapter 010- The call to evacuate
Chapter 010- The call to evacuateLogan was about to barge into the house when he suddenly had a second thought; he decided to eavesdrop."Please, sir, we will try to pay. Please don't break down the house; we will have nowhere to stay. Please give us another few weeks. My son would have gathered some amount," he heard his mother say."I can't stand this anymore; my mother shouldn't be begging anyone like this!" Logan muttered as he barged into the house."Thank God you came at the right time. Talk to the bootleg landlord, Mr. Thomas. He's threatening to bring down the house because we didn't pay him the monthly dues. Talk to him, maybe he might listen to you," Logan's mother, Madame Amelia said, giving the phone to Logan."Hello, Mr. Thomas," Logan pleaded desperately over the phone. "Please, I'm begging you to bear with me. I promise to repay you in just a few weeks, sir." However, the man on the other end vehemently refused."Logan, forget about the monthly dues for a minute. The g
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