Chapter 003- Moments before despair 

Chapter 003- Moments before despair 

''I'm very sure Ings and Blake are the one behind this, those guys might be trying to play games with me, i need to be extra careful.'' Logan thought to himself.

Zora sensed Logan's discomfort and gently squeezed his hand under the table, offering him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Logan. Whatever happens, we'll face it together."

Logan returned her smile gratefully, feeling a surge of warmth in his heart. With Zora by his side, he hoped he could handle whatever challenges the evening might bring.

As the sumptuous dinner meal was served, Logan and Zora engaged in light conversation, savoring each bite and enjoying the company of their family and guests. 

The ambiance of the dining hall was filled with laughter and the clinking of cutlery, adding to the festive atmosphere of Madame Ruthie's birthday celebration.

The butlers moved gracefully around the table, ensuring that every guest's plate was filled and every need was attended to with meticulous attention. 

Logan couldn't help but notice the mischievous glint in Ings' eyes as he watched him eat, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to Ings' behavior than met the eye.

As dessert was served and the last traces of the delicious meal were savored, Ings cleared his throat, though he was the youngest amongst the Bennett family, his commanding presence still drew the attention of the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention," Ings announced, his voice carrying effortlessly across the room. "On behalf of my siblings, we appreciate everyone for finding time to celebrate this day with Mum. It’s getting late, so I implore everyone to start presenting their gift to Mum.''

Logan's heart skipped a beat as he braced himself for what was to come. He and Zora exchanged nervous glances, silently reassuring each other.

Ings gestured towards Logan, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Uncle Logan, as my mum's amiable son-in-law, would you do us the honor of presenting your gift?" he asked, his tone polite but tinged with a hint of mischief as he pointed at the loads of packages on the table.

''Who is this dirty poor man? Why's he dressed like that? the son-in-law of the Bennett shouldn't be this poor-looking.'’

Ings Words didn't take time in drawing the attention of the other guests, some of the guests mocked Logan's filthy appearance while the others anticipated his presentation.

Logan hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with apprehension. But then he remembered Zora's words of encouragement, and he squared his shoulders, hoping to be free of any trouble.

With a deep breath, Logan stood up from his seat, his heart pounding in his chest. He glanced around the room, meeting the expectant gazes of the guests, before fixing his eyes on Madame Ruthie, who sat at the head of the table, a warm smile on her face.

Slowly clearing his throat, he began, ''First and foremost, I would like to thank Ings for the opportunity to present this gift to Madame Ruthie," his voice remained calm and composed despite the inner turmoil he felt.

Madame Ruthie's warm gaze met his own, her eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of kindness. "Please, proceed, Logan," she encouraged, her voice cutting through the murmurs of the crowd.

With a determined nod, Logan turned his attention back to the load of packages resting on the table.

Unable to reach them,he asked Ings to hand him his own package.

''Hey, Ings," Logan called out, "mind passing me my package? It seems just out of arm's reach.''

Feigning Innocence, Ings raised an eyebrow. "Why would I do that? I haven't even seen your gift or what it looks like," he quipped, his tone laced with subtle amusement.

Logan became more suspicious, feeling that Ings had a hidden motive behind his reluctance. "This is not the time for a joke, just pass it over, Ings," he insisted, his voice firm but tinged with caution.

Logan's gaze narrowed as he studied Ings, sensing a hidden agenda behind his playful demeanor. Before he could press further, Madame Ruthie intervened, her gentle voice breaking through the tension.

"Ings, dear, why don't you help Logan retrieve his gift? Let's keep the celebration flowing smoothly," she suggested with a warm smile, her words carrying the authority of a matriarch.

"Of course, Mum," Ings replied, his tone masking any hint of reluctance. With practiced ease, he reached for the load of packages and turned his gaze to Logan.'' Which one is yours, Uncle Logan,'' he asked,though his eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief

Again, Logan was taken aback by Ings Unexpected response.

Startled and irritated, Zora sprang to her feet, her gaze drilling into Logan's as she slammed her hands forcefully onto the dining table, her annoyance palpable to all the guests who witnessed the scene.

"Why are you bothering yourself, Logan? Why not just let Ings be and go choose your own gift from the table?" she asked, as whispers from the other guests echoed what she suggested.

Filled with deep embarrassment, Logan gritted his teeth as he slowly left his seat and made his way towards the piles of packages, his eyes fixed on Ings.

He silently wished he could glimpse into the future to uncover Ings' intentions. ''I wish I could see the future to know what you're up to, Ings.'' he thought to himself.

As Logan approached the table, his eyes scanned the array of beautifully wrapped gifts, each one more extravagant than the last. He couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity as he ran his hands through the gifts on the table. 

Ignoring the whispers and judgmental glances from the other guests, Logan’s glimpse caught a package that looked like the one he bought then he reached out and grabbed the small, modestly wrapped package.

''Yeah, I got it.'' He muttered.

After some minutes of examining it, he concluded that the package was the one he bought. ''I found it.'' He exclaimed, his heart sinking as he felt the weight of his own inadequacy pressing down on him.

Logan was about to hand over the gift to Madame Ruthie when he suddenly noticed that the package was not heavy.

''Something tells me the vase is not in here, why is the package no more heavy?'' Logan thought as he continuously shake the package to be sure he's not day-dreaming.

''What’re you waiting for, Logan? You already found the gift, then present it to your mother-in-law.'' Mr.Bill demanded.

Feeling disturbed and confused, Logan slowly raised his head in annoyance, his gaze literally piercing into Ings. '‎'The vase is not here, where did you put it? What have you done to the package? Bring out the vase before I lose my mind!'' Logan warned as his stern voice continues to attract attention.

Without a reply, Ings locked eyes with Logan, his silence speaking volumes.


All heads turned to Bradley, curiosity piqued, as he coughed to grab attention.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt," Bradley Lexington mumbled, getting up from his chair awkwardly as he walked over to Logan.

''Logan sir, is this not your package?'' Bradley inquired sheepishly, continuously tapping Logan’s shoulder.

''Yeah, it is but…,'' Logan replied as Bradley cuts him short.

‎''A real man does not use the word “but” any opportunity he gets. Since you're sure that's your package, present it to your mother-in-law, it's getting late and the weather is also starting to get stormy.'' Bradley said as he went back to sit.

With a deep breath, Logan turned back to face the guests, the package held tightly in his grasp. He could feel the eyes of every guest boring into him.

Mustering his courage, Logan approached Madame Ruthie, his steps steady despite the turmoil raging inside him. He forced a smile onto his face, trying to hide the doubt that was about to engulf him.

"Madame, I... I hope you'll like this," Logan said softly, his voice barely audible above the murmur of the crowd.

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